Free web development courses with certificates

It’s almost the end of the year 2022, and 2023 is approaching, time flies, and everything changes but you know what remains constant? the hype and demand of web developers in the job market. That’s right! If you learn web development, you’ll surely land in any of the high-paying web developer jobs. To help you on this path, we’ve curated this list of Free web development courses with certificates.
What is web development?
By web development, we mean developing, creating, and maintaining websites. It can range from a simple website to a complex web application. You can choose any tech stack in which you want to start learning web development. You do not need a degree to get started with web development. Everything is free and accessible.
Web development is divided into two parts -:
- front-end or the user end
front-end devs take care of the user side i.e. design, layout, and interactivity. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the technologies used. - back-end or the server-side
back-end devs take care of the data. They handle hosting, running of the web application, and database. Technologies used are – PHP, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, and Java.
Why learn web development?
As we discussed above, the demand for web developers in the job market is very high. Companies are constantly looking for unicorn developers. There has never been a better time to learn web development. Demand is only increasing. Everything is evolving in web development, so you get to use various technologies and decide whichever fits you best.
Here, we have curated the list, get started with whichever fits you the best!
codedamn has high-quality courses to help you get desired skills. They provide hands-on labs, practical projects, and community. They have a detailed structured curriculum. You’ll see yourself improving day by day by using their highly interactive learn-to-code platform.
freecodecamp is a learning platform that is free and interactive. Here, you can learn web development and after completion, you can earn certificates as well. In the courses, you’ll find exciting challenges which will help you learn the material. After that, you’ll be given projects to earn the certificate provided. Also, they have provided publications, a youtube channel, and a forum as well.
Yes, you can learn web development for free on Udemy as well. Just search for “free web development courses”, and you’ll get a plethora of options to choose from. Get started and complete the course at your own pace. Solve every challenge and do some projects on your own to learn the stuff deeply. In the end, after completion, you’ll earn a certificate.
Scrimba has many courses with detailed content. They provide interactive screencasts divided into modules. You get to build so many cool projects from scratch. There are challenge weeks where you code to win, and they have a very friendly community.
As someone who’s trying to break into web development, I’m sure you have heard of the term bootcamp
a lot, and how it works. Scaler provides exclusive BootCamps to enroll for free, and as a beginner, you get to know about various technologies and how to try hands-on them. You get to have certificates for attending the BootCamp. launched many beginner-friendly courses. You can enroll for them, and start learning for free. Build those projects and earn the certificate. Once you get comfortable and complete the beginner-friendly courses, you can start learning the advanced concepts.
I hope you have understood web development, its demands, and how and where to get started with it.
Happy learning!
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