Learning Paths

Well-structured and strategically planned roadmaps, designed to guide you in your learning journey. Making consistent progress on your learning path every day will significantly enhance your chances of becoming a great developer.

My Paths

Frequently asked questions

What is a learning path?

A learning path is a structured roadmap. Think of it as a GPS (like Google Maps) but for your career.

Why should I use a learning path?

When you start programming, it could be a little daunting. There are so many courses you can do, so many projects you can build. How do you find relevant courses? Projects? Problems? When do you stop and move to next course? What is the next course anyway? A learning path includes answers to all of them

Are learning paths free?

Yes. All learning paths on codedamn are free to browse and build. You can use these roadmaps to learn from anywhere (including codedamn).

What is included in a learning path?

Every learning path includes coding courses, practice problems and projects

Where are the coding courses?

Learning paths include links to relevant coding courses. You can find courses when you browse learning paths and click on modules. Alternatively, you can browse all interactive codedamn courses here

Where are the projects?

Learning paths include links to relevant projects along the way. You can find these projects when you browse learning paths and click on modules. Alternatively, you can browse all interactive codedamn projects here

Where are practice problems?

Learning paths include links to relevant coding problems along the way. You can find these problems usually at the end when you browse learning paths. Alternatively, you can browse all coding problems on codedamn here

I need more help

The best way to start learning is with others. Join our discord community and start engaging!