How to fix “Cannot use import statement outside a module”

How to fix “Cannot use import statement outside a module”

In the world of JavaScript, developers often encounter various errors and challenges. One such common error is the "Cannot use import statement outside a module" error. This error typically occurs when you attempt to use the ES6 import statement in a CommonJS environment. In this blog post, we will delve into the causes of this error and provide solutions on how to fix it. Additionally, we will cover other best practices for working with modules in JavaScript.

Understanding Modules in JavaScript

Before we dive into fixing the error, let's first understand the concept of modules in JavaScript. A module is a self-contained piece of code that can be imported and used in other parts of the application. JavaScript modules allow developers to break their code into smaller, reusable pieces, making it easier to manage and maintain.

There are two main module systems in JavaScript: CommonJS and ES6 Modules.


CommonJS is the module system used in Node.js. It uses the require() function to import modules and the module.exports object to export functionality from a module. Here's an example of a CommonJS module:

// utils.js const sum = (a, b) => a + b; module.exports = sum; // app.js const sum = require('./utils'); console.log(sum(1, 2)); // 3

ES6 Modules

ES6 Modules are the standardized module system for JavaScript, as defined by the ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) specification. They use the import and export keywords to achieve the same functionality as CommonJS modules. Here's an example of an ES6 module:

// utils.js export const sum = (a, b) => a + b; // app.js import { sum } from './utils'; console.log(sum(1, 2)); // 3

Causes of the "Cannot use import statement outside a module" Error

Now that we understand the basics of JavaScript modules, let's explore the reasons behind the "Cannot use import statement outside a module" error.

  1. Using ES6 import in a CommonJS environment: This is the most common cause of the error. When you use the import statement in a CommonJS environment like Node.js, the system does not recognize it, resulting in the error.
  2. Incorrect file extension: Another possible cause of the error is using an incorrect file extension for ES6 modules. ES6 modules should have a .mjs extension or the .js extension with the "type": "module" setting in the package.json file.
  3. Missing or incorrect MIME type: When using ES6 modules in a web application, the server must provide the correct MIME type (text/javascript) for the module files. If the MIME type is missing or incorrect, the browser may not recognize the file as a module, leading to the error.

How to Fix the "Cannot use import statement outside a module" Error

Now that we know the causes of the error, let's discuss some solutions to fix it.

1. Convert to CommonJS Syntax

If you are using Node.js or another environment that does not support ES6 modules, you can simply convert the ES6 import and export statements to CommonJS syntax. Here's how to do it:

Replace the import statement with the require() function:

// Before import { sum } from './utils'; // After const { sum } = require('./utils');

Replace the export statement with the module.exports object:

// Before export const sum = (a, b) => a + b; // After const sum = (a, b) => a + b; module.exports = { sum };

2. Use ES6 Modules in Node.js

Node.js has experimental support for ES6 modules since version 12. To enable ES6 modules in Node.js, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Change the file extension to .mjs.
  • Add the "type": "module" setting to your package.json file.

Here's an example of using ES6 modules in Node.js:

// package.json { "name": "my-app", "version": "1.0.0", "type": "module" }
// utils.js export const sum = (a, b) => a + b; // app.js import { sum } from './utils'; console.log(sum(1, 2)); // 3

Please note that ES6 module support in Node.js is still experimental, and some features may not work as expected.

3. Set the Correct MIME Type for Web Applications

If you are using ES6 modules in a web application, make sure the server is providing the correct MIME type (text/javascript) for the module files. You may need to configure your server to do this.

For example, in an Express.js application, you can use the following code to set the MIME type for .js files:

app.use('/', express.static('public', { setHeaders: (res, path) => { if (path.endsWith('.js')) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/javascript'); } } }));


Q: Can I use both CommonJS and ES6 modules in the same project?

A: Yes, you can use both module systems in the same project. However, it is recommended to stick to one module system for consistency and easier maintenance.

Q: Are there any performance differences between CommonJS and ES6 modules?

A: In general, ES6 modules may have slightly better performance than CommonJS modules, due to features like static imports and tree shaking. However, the performance difference is usually negligible for most applications.

Q: Can I use ES6 modules in the browser?

A: Yes, modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge support ES6 modules natively. To use ES6 modules in the browser, you need to add the type="module" attribute to your script tag:

<script type="module" src="app.js"></script>

That's it! By following the instructions provided in this blog post, you should be able to resolve the "Cannot use import statement outside a module" error and work with JavaScript modules more effectively. For more information on JavaScript modules, you can refer to the official MDN documentation. Happy coding!

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