Course certificate

Certificate Details

This certificate is presented to Rakshit Virmani for successfully completing React Query - The standard way to make network requests in React on May 30th, 2022

Awarded To: Rakshit Virmani

Awarded User ID: 626a10a2cdb37e000980c562

Date: May 30th, 2022 06:49:09 AM

Course Name: React Query - The standard way to make network requests in React

Certificate Verification Hash: c736696ab56e123857c8e9007c8259cadcd97a69

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ProReact Query - The standard way to make network requests in React

React Query - The standard way to make network requests in React

(255 Ratings)
2.7k Enrolled

Course Goals

  • What is React Query and why we need it
  • Internals of react-query v3
  • Debugging queries and mutations using devtools
  • How caching works in react-query
  • Sharing data across multiple components without making multiple requests
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Mehul Mohan


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