
useEffect dependency array in React.js – Complete Guide

React is one of the most popular frontend frameworks in 2022. The useEffect hook is used to manage the functional components in their React app. In this article, we will take a deep dive into useEffect dependency array to learn how to utilize it properly.

What is useEffect?

This Hook is used to perform side effects in your components. The useEffect hook contains a callback function that comes into effect when the page loads. It allows us to execute some functions when a component gets updated.

useEffect Dependency array

The useEffect manages an array that contains the state variables or functions which are kept an eye for any changes. These changes then trigger the callback function.

Empty array

The most basic dependency array would be an empty array. The empty array indicates that the useEffect doesn’t have any dependencies on any state variables. Therefore, the callback function is only called once the page renders in this case. For example: Fetch data from an API endpoint when the page renders. 

useEffect(() => { fetch("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/type/3") }, []);
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

The fetch() is used to GET data from the API endpoint. In this example, the fetch() needs to be executed only once therefore we are using an empty dependency array.

Array containing dependencies

Single State variable: If the array contains a state variable, the useEffect callback function gets triggered on 2 occasions. First, when the page renders and whenever the state variable is updated.


useEffect(() => { console.log("Counter value: ", counter); }, [counter]);
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

In this example, the counter state is included in the dependency array, therefore whenever the counter state is updated i.e setCounter(counter + 1), the useEffect callback function is triggered and the value of the counter is displayed.

Multiple State variable: In case of multiple dependencies, the callback function is triggered when the page is first rendered and whenever any of the included states gets updated.

useEffect(() => { console.log(num1 + num2); }, [num1, num2]);
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Here, we have 2 state variables num1 and num2 in the array dependency. We want to perform an addition operation of these two state variables. Therefore, whenever either of the 2 state variables gets updated, we perform an addition operation.

Infinite re-rendering problem: The useEffect hook is quite useful but if not used properly it can crash your entire application. This might occur due to infinite rerendering. Let’s take a look at the example below to understand this better.

useEffect(() => { setCounter(counter + 1); console.log('Counter value: ', counter); }, [counter]);
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Here, inside the callback function, we’re updating the counter and then printing the value of the counter state. When setCounter is called, the useEffect with counter state dependency is triggered and again counter value is updated. This process goes on and on and the page becomes unresponsive.

Functions in a dependency array

If we call functions inside the useEffect callback function, we would have to include the function name in the dependency array. This will result in a bug as printName() isn’t wrapped in the callback. That will lead to useEffect triggering on every render of React component! Let’s take a look.

import { useEffect } from 'react'; const ExampleComponent = () => { const name = "Thomas" const printName = (value) => { console.log(value); }; useEffect(() => { printName(name); }, [name, printName]); return <p>UseEffect!</p>; }; export default ExampleComponent;
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

We can prevent this by placing the function outside the component function.

import { useEffect } from 'react'; const name = "Thomas" const printName = (value) => { console.log(value); }; const ExampleComponent = () => { useEffect(() => { printName(name); }, [name, printName]); return <p>UseEffect!</p>; }; export default ExampleComponent;
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)


The useEffect hook plays a crucial role in managing your React application. It is easier to learn and understand compared to its alternative class-based methods. I hope through this article, you learned how to handle useEffect array dependencies. Keep learning and building 🙂

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