Complete guide to web development with python

Python is shining in many fields, but it’s widely spreading in the field of web development with python, machine learning, data science, and many more. Due to the ease to learn python is attracting every programmer.
In this era of advanced technologies and applications, machines are growing and learning very fast to provide ease of use to its user. Similarly in the case of coding, Because of the ease to use, fast processing, clean, readable, and simple syntax python language is spreading among programmers.
In the last decades, python is widely used because of its simplicity, easy maintainability, and structured format, it is being in use in many industries to create a variety of fields be it programming, machine learning models, web development, etc. It can be a little tough and challenging, to begin with, Python because there are so multiple ways you can use it to create web applications. So now let’s talk about learning web development with python.
Web development
Web development is a fairly broad area, but generally speaking, it refers to creating websites that can be hosted by the internet. It has two aspects: the front end and the back end.
Anything that we as a user see on a web browser is related to the front-end(client-side). every piece of content on the web browser that helps in interacting with the user is part of the front end. There are different programming languages for frontend development such as HTML(Hyper-text markup language – for writing the content), CSS(cascading style sheet – for designing purposes), JS(Javascript – to create interactive and dynamic content for web pages), etc.
Every content that is not visible to the user on the browser but they help in maintaining the web apps comes under the back-end(server-side). The major part of the backend involves a database, the app, and the server. the server is the computer that receives the request from a user, and the app is the application that runs on the server, receives requests and retrieves information from the database, and finally sends the response. Python, C#, Rust, PHP, etc are some programming languages for the backend. For most developers python is the preferable and suitable language for backend development.
Python provides a lot of libraries for web developers. CherryPy, Django, Flask, web2Py, and Pyramid are some of the libraries. In my suggestion, out of all these, the most preferred and best python libraries are Flask and Django.
What is Django? Why do web developers prefer Django?
The Django framework is an open-source library. It is used for full-stack development(Front-end as well as backend). It adheres to the “Don’t Repeat Yourself” moral principle, which emphasizes the importance of keeping communication clear and concise meaning keeping the code very simple and non-repeating.
- Django is fast in processing
- It’s written purely in python
- It is fully loaded with all the required tools to create websites.
- It is also very much secure
most of the internet giants rely on Django be it youtube, dropbox, google, Coursera or Instagram.
What is a flask? Why one should choose it for web development?
Flask is a micro-framework lightweight web application. It is very easy and quick to learn flask and apply it for web development.
micro-framework as it doesn’t rely on any outside libraries to carry out framework-related actions. It has its own set of technologies, tools, and libraries to support the features involved in creating web applications.
As it is independent and easy to learn, it is used by many giant companies such as Netflix, Reddit, Mozilla, etc.
How to choose between Django and Flask?

- Django supports databases such as MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc.
- Flask can be a preferable choice if the project has a NoSQL database (MongoDB).
- Framework
- Django is a full-stack python framework.
- Unlike Django, flask is a small flexible micro-framework.
- Size
- Django works best for creating large and complex web applications.
- the flask can be used when we have to create smaller and less complicated web apps.
- Structure or layout
- Django uses a conventional structure.
- Flask uses an Arbitrary structure.
- Features
- Django helps create full-featured applications with server-side templating.
- Flask creates a static web application.
- Performance
- performance of the flask is better than Django as it is smaller and it has fewer layers also.
Based on the requirements of the project one can choose the specific python library for web development. But, a complete beginner who wants to start from scratch should go with the flask framework.
In my opinion, Django is the best python library for developing websites. The reason is Flask is a small-size, flexible framework that enables you to create small web apps, so they have a quite shorter lifetime whereas In the case of Django nearly all the projects have the same formatted structure. Thus Django is quite better at handling larger projects and also it provides longer lifetimes to projects. so this can help in future maintenance.
So, from all the above details you can easily choose which framework you should learn to develop your web application according to your requirement. I am hoping that this blog will guide you. Thank you.
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