How to use JSON Web Token (JWT) in Node.js

How to use JSON Web Token (JWT) in Node.js

JSON Web Token (JWT) has become a widely popular method for securing web applications by providing an authentication mechanism. It is an open standard that defines a compact, self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. JWT in Node.js is an essential tool for developers to manage user authentication and authorization in a scalable and efficient manner.

In this blog post, we will walk through the process of using JWT in a Node.js application. We will cover topics such as creating and verifying tokens, using JWT with Express.js, and handling token expiration. We will also address some frequently asked questions related to JWT in Node.js. So, if you are ready to dive into the world of JWT and Node.js, let's get started!

What is JSON Web Token (JWT)?

JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. The information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed. JWT is often used for authentication and authorization purposes in web applications.

A JWT typically consists of three parts:

  1. Header: Contains information about the token, such as token type and signing algorithm.
  2. Payload: Contains the actual data (claims) that is being transmitted.
  3. Signature: Ensures the token is not tampered with by providing a digital signature.

These three parts are Base64Url encoded and concatenated with a period (.) separator, resulting in a string that looks like this:


Setting up a Node.js project

Before diving into JWT, let's set up a simple Node.js project. Create a new folder and initialize a new Node.js project using the following command:

npm init -y

Install the required dependencies:

npm install express jsonwebtoken

This will install the Express.js framework and the jsonwebtoken package for handling JWT. Create a new file named app.js and add the following code:

const express = require('express'); const app = express(); app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.send('Hello, codedamn!'); }); app.listen(3000, () => { console.log('Server started on http://localhost:3000'); });

Now, run the server using the following command:

node app.js

You should see the "Server started on http://localhost:3000" message in your console. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000. You should see the "Hello, codedamn!" message.

Creating and verifying JWT

To create a JWT in Node.js, you can use the jsonwebtoken package. First, import the package in your app.js file:

const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');

Now, let's create a simple function that generates a JWT. We will use the sign() method from the jsonwebtoken package:

function generateAccessToken(user) { const payload = { id:, email: }; const secret = 'your-secret-key'; const options = { expiresIn: '1h' }; return jwt.sign(payload, secret, options); }

In this function, we create a payload containing the user's ID and email address. Then, we sign the payload using a secret key and set the token to expire in one hour.

To verify a JWT, we can use the verify() method from the jsonwebtoken package:

function verifyAccessToken(token) { const secret = 'your-secret-key'; try { const decoded = jwt.verify(token, secret); return { success: true, data: decoded }; } catch (error) { return { success: false, error: error.message }; } }

In this function, we use the same secret key to verify the JWT. If the token is valid, it returns the decoded payload. If the token is invalid or expired, it returns an error.

Using JWT with Express.js

To use JWT in a Node.js application with Express.js, we need to create middleware that checks for the presence of a JWT in the request headers, verifies it, and then proceeds with the request. If the token is invalid or expired, the middleware should return an error response.

function authenticateToken(req, res, next) { const authHeader = req.headers['authorization']; const token = authHeader && authHeader.split(' ')[1]; if (!token) { return res.sendStatus(401); } const result = verifyAccessToken(token); if (!result.success) { return res.status(403).json({ error: result.error }); } req.user =; next(); }

In this middleware function, we extract the token from the Authorization header. If the token is not present, we return a 401 Unauthorized status. If the token is present, we verify it using the verifyAccessToken() function. If the token is valid, we store the decoded payload in req.user and proceed with the request. If the token is invalid, we return a 403 Forbidden status with an error message.

Now, let's use the middleware in a protected route:

app.get('/protected', authenticateToken, (req, res) => { res.json({ message: 'Welcome to the protected route!', user: req.user }); });

In this route, we are using the authenticateToken middleware to protect access. Only users with a valid JWT can access this route.

Handling token expiration

When a JWT expires, it becomes invalid, and users need to re-authenticate to get a new token. To handle token expiration gracefully, you can implement a refresh token mechanism. A refresh token is a long-lived token that is used to generate new access tokens when they expire. You can store refresh tokens in a database or any other persistent storage.

Here's a simple example of how to implement a refresh token mechanism in your Node.js application:

// Generate a new refresh token function generateRefreshToken(user) { const payload = { id:, email: }; const secret = 'your-refresh-token-secret'; const options = { expiresIn: '7d' }; return jwt.sign(payload, secret, options); } // Verify a refresh token function verifyRefreshToken(token) { const secret = 'your-refresh-token-secret'; try { const decoded = jwt.verify(token, secret); return { success: true, data: decoded }; } catch (error) { return { success: false, error: error.message }; } } // Refresh an access token using a valid refresh token'/token/refresh', (req, res) => { const refreshToken = req.body.refreshToken; if (!refreshToken) { return res.sendStatus(401); } const result = verifyRefreshToken(refreshToken); if (!result.success) { return res.status(403).json({ error: result.error }); } const user =; const newAccessToken = generateAccessToken(user); res.json({ accessToken: newAccessToken }); });


1. What is the difference between localStorage and cookies for storing JWT?

localStorage is a client-side storage mechanism that allows you to store key-value pairs in the user's browser. Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored in the user's browser and sent to the server with each request. Storing JWT in localStorage is more vulnerable to XSS attacks, while storing JWT in cookies can help protect against XSS attacks but may be vulnerable to CSRF attacks if not implemented correctly.

2. How can I secure my JWT secret key?

Your JWT secret key should be kept confidential and never exposed in your client-side code. You can use environment variables to store your secret key and load it in your server-side code. Additionally, you can use key management services such as AWS KMS or HashiCorp Vault to store and manage your secret keys securely.

3. Can I store sensitive information in JWT?

It is not recommended to store sensitive information in JWT, as the payload can be easily decoded and read by anyone who has access to the token. If you need to transmit sensitive information, use encryption mechanisms to protect the data.

4. How do I revoke a JWT?

JWTs are stateless and cannot be revoked directly. However, you can implement a token revocation mechanism by maintaining a list of revoked tokens in a database or cache, and then checking against this list in your authentication middleware. Alternatively, you can use short-lived tokens and refresh tokens to limit the impact of a compromised token.

In conclusion, JSON Web Tokens are a powerful and flexible way to handle authentication and authorization in a Node.js application. By using the jsonwebtoken package and implementing middleware for token verification, you can create a secure and scalable authentication system for your web applications. With a solid understanding of JWT in Node.js, you are well-equipped to build secure and robust applications on the codedamn platform. Happy coding!

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