Learn MongoDB with Node.js

Learn MongoDB with Node.js

Learn to work with MongoDB + Node.js in this course. We will cover fundamentals of MongoDB with Mongoose and Node

(114 ratings)
2.8k enrolled
Excellent Rating
Course Instructor: Mehul Mohan

Course Outcomes

  • What are databases
  • Why databases are needed
  • SQL vs NoSQL databases
  • Fundamentals of MongoDB
  • Using Mongoose and Node for CRUD operations

Course Structure

12 lectures1h 9m total duration

  Why Databases? 
  SQL vs NoSQL 

About This Course

MongoDB is a very popular NoSQL database choice which integrates very well with Node. In this course, my aim is to introduce you to MongoDB with Mongoose and enforce some great practices along the way.

We will just touch the surface of databases and understand how basic CRUD operations can be performed using async-await and models in Mongoose - some of the best practices of modern JavaScript.

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Featured Review

The main thing which I liked about this one was that it mainly focused on the backend side of things instead of the whole application. For instance, my case is that I needed to learn just how the mongoose ORM works, so I should not be building an entire full stack application just to learn that. So, in my opinion, this was really concise and to the point. :)

Student Feedback

Course Rating







Profile picture for Neeraj Chavan
Jan 11, 2023
Great course, need more projects on MERN stack and MERN with TS
Profile picture for PRAKASH KUMAR
Jan 07, 2023
great explaination
Profile picture for Dhaval Patel
Dec 27, 2022
Profile picture for RANJEET KUMAR
Dec 15, 2022
easy and simple
Profile picture for Md. Asif Al-Mahmud
Dec 08, 2022
Very good

Course Instructor

Mehul Mohan
Building coding courses on codedamn
Mehul Mohan
4.6 Instructor rating
23k Ratings
226.8k Students
44 Courses

Me alongside a team of developers, creators, designers are building the best interactive programming courses here.View profile

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