
Null vs Undefined in JavaScript and Node.js

In this blog post, we will explore the differences between null and undefined in JavaScript and Node.js, two concepts that are frequently encountered by developers when working with these technologies. Although they may seem similar at first glance, understanding the nuances between them is crucial for writing clean, efficient, and bug-free code. This blog is designed to be beginner-friendly, so even if you’re new to JavaScript or Node.js, you’ll be able to follow along and gain a deeper understanding of these concepts. Let’s dive in!

Understanding null and undefined

Before we discuss the differences between null and undefined, it’s important to understand what they are and how they’re used in JavaScript and Node.js.


null is a special value in JavaScript that represents the intentional absence of any object value. It is often used when you want to explicitly set a variable to have no value or when an object property should be empty. Here’s an example:

let emptyVariable = null; console.log(emptyVariable); // Output: null


undefined is another special value in JavaScript that represents a variable that has not been assigned a value. When you declare a variable without assigning any value to it, JavaScript automatically assigns the value undefined. Here’s an example:

let uninitializedVariable; console.log(uninitializedVariable); // Output: undefined

Differences between null and undefined

Now that we understand the basics of null and undefined, let’s explore the key differences between them.


null and undefined are different data types in JavaScript. null is an object, while undefined is a type of its own. You can use the typeof operator to see their respective types:

console.log(typeof null); // Output: "object" console.log(typeof undefined); // Output: "undefined"

Equality and identity

In JavaScript, there are two ways to compare values: using the equality operator == and the identity operator ===. The equality operator compares values for equality, while the identity operator compares both values and types.

null and undefined are considered equal but not identical. This means that when you use the equality operator (==), they will be considered equal, but when you use the identity operator (===), they will not be considered equal:

console.log(null == undefined); // Output: true console.log(null === undefined); // Output: false

Usage in code

When working with JavaScript and Node.js, it is generally recommended to use null when you want to intentionally represent the absence of a value. This is because null is more explicit, and it shows that you, as the developer, intended for the variable to be empty. On the other hand, undefined is typically used by JavaScript itself to indicate that a variable has not been assigned a value.

For example, when you want to represent an empty object property, it’s better to use null:

let user = { name: "Alice", age: 30, occupation: null };

In this case, setting the occupation property to null clearly communicates that the user does not have an occupation at the moment.

Practical use cases

To further illustrate the differences between null and undefined, let’s examine some practical use cases in JavaScript and Node.js.

Function arguments

When dealing with function arguments, undefined can be used to represent missing or optional arguments. If a function parameter is not provided when calling the function, JavaScript automatically sets the parameter’s value to undefined.

function greet(name) { if (name === undefined) { name = "stranger"; } console.log("Hello, " + name + "!"); } greet("Alice"); // Output: Hello, Alice! greet(); // Output: Hello, stranger!
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

In this example, if the `name` parameter is not provided when calling the `greet()` function, its value will be `undefined`, and the function will use the default value “stranger” instead.

Default function parameters

Starting with ECMAScript 2015 (ES6), you can use default function parameters to provide default values for missing or `undefined` arguments. In this case, if an argument is not provided or is `undefined`, the default value will be used.

function greet(name = "stranger") { console.log("Hello, " + name + "!"); } greet("Alice"); // Output: Hello, Alice! greet(); // Output: Hello, stranger!
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

In this example, if the name parameter is not provided or is undefined, the default value “stranger” will be used.

Optional chaining and nullish coalescing

ECMAScript 2020 (ES11) introduced two new features, optional chaining (?.) and nullish coalescing (??), which can be used to handle null and undefined values more gracefully.

Optional chaining allows you to access deeply nested properties without having to check for the existence of each property in the chain. If any property in the chain is null or undefined, the entire expression evaluates to undefined.

let user = { name: "Alice", address: { street: "123 Main St", city: "New York" } }; console.log(user.address.city); // Output: "New York" console.log(user.address.country?.code); // Output: undefined

Nullish coalescing can be used to provide default values for null or undefined expressions. It returns the right-hand side operand if the left-hand side operand is null or undefined, and the left-hand side operand otherwise.

let user = { name: "Alice", age: 30, occupation: null }; console.log(user.occupation ?? "unemployed"); // Output: "unemployed"


Q: Can I use null and undefined interchangeably in my code?

A: Although they may seem similar and are sometimes used interchangeably, it’s generally better to use them for their intended purposes. Use null when you want to represent the intentional absence of a value, and undefined when a variable has not been assigned a value.

Q: What is the difference between null and undefined when working with arrays?

A: When you create an array with empty slots, the empty slots will have the value undefined. However, you can also explicitly set an array element to null if you want to represent an empty value:

let arrayWithUndefined = new Array(3); console.log(arrayWithUndefined); // Output: [undefined, undefined, undefined] let arrayWithNull = [null, null, null]; console.log(arrayWithNull); // Output: [null, null, null]

Q: How can I check if a variable is null or undefined?

A: You can use the equality operator (==) to check if a variable is null or undefined, as they are considered equal:

let variable; if (variable == null) { console.log("The variable is either null or undefined."); }

Alternatively, you can use the typeof operator to check for undefined and a direct comparison to null to check for null:

let variable; if (typeof variable === "undefined") { console.log("The variable is undefined."); } else if (variable === null) { console.log("The variable is null."); } else { console.log("The variable has a value."); }

Q: How does JavaScript handle null and undefined in arithmetic operations?

A: When you perform arithmetic operations with null and undefined, they are converted to numeric values. null is converted to 0, while undefined is converted to NaN (Not a Number):

console.log(null + 5); // Output: 5 (null is converted to 0) console.log(undefined + 5); // Output: NaN (undefined is converted to NaN)

Q: How do I check if an object property is null or undefined?

A: You can use the equality operator (==) to check if an object property is null or undefined, as they are considered equal:

let user = { name: "Alice", age: 30, occupation: null }; if (user.occupation == null) { console.log("The occupation property is either null or undefined."); }

Alternatively, you can use the in operator to check if an object has a specific property:

let user = { name: "Alice", age: 30, occupation: null }; if (!("occupation" in user) || user.occupation === null) { console.log("The occupation property is either null or undefined."); }

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