How to defer loading CSS? Complete Guide

How to defer loading CSS? Complete Guide

Are you sick of having to load all your CSS when you start a new page or blog post? Well, you’re not alone. Deferring the loading of CSS can save you loads of time and HTTP requests. It also makes your site faster and more dependable. We’ll look at all the options for defer loading CSS in more detail. But first, let’s define defer loading CSS and why it’s so vital.

What is CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)?

Cascading Style Sheets are rules that govern how web pages appear. They may be used for headers, paragraphs, links, and even pictures. Every browser has its own set of rules for displaying web pages. That’s why we can’t just use one standard CSS file to display our websites in every browser. Instead, we need to use different files for each browser. This is known as “cascading” style sheets. Each CSS file is specific to a particular browser so that the same web page is displayed differently in each browser. In addition, each rule in a CSS file can apply to different HTML elements on different pages of a website. This means that we can use a single CSS file to customize multiple pages without having to create lots of separate files for different pages.

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Why Deferring Loading of CSS?

Simply put, CSS is a scripting language that dictates how a web page looks, from fonts to colors to layouts. It describes the appearance of the page elements as well as their arrangement on the page.on the page. Without CSS, a webpage would look dull and boring. However, it has the potential to make your website load slowly and consume a lot of bandwidth.

Even small CSS files can be bulky and hard to download. It might not seem like much at first, but the cumulative effect can seriously slow down your page load times and increase your overall hosting costs. And that’s not what you want! Fortunately, you can prevent this from happening by deferring the loading of your CSS files until they’re needed.

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CSS files are huge and time-consuming to download. This makes them a prime candidate for loading deferral. By delaying the loading of these files until they are actually required, you can speed up the load times of your website and reduce bandwidth usage. This is especially important if you run a blog with lots of images or other content that might compete with your CSS files. At the same time, deferred loading will help keep your users happier since they won’t have to wait around for the CSS files to load before they can start reading your content.

Why Loading CSS Matters?

While we all prefer websites that are fast and simple, it’s important to remember that most people use the Internet using slow connections. Taking too long to load your website will result in visitors abandoning it. And if they’re constantly struggling to view your content on their phone, they’ll probably switch to a different site!

This is why search engines like Google are starting to rank fast-loading websites higher than slow ones in their search results. As more and more businesses start to embrace responsive design and mobile-first design, the importance of load speed will only continue to grow. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to defer the loading of CSS, which will help to keep your visitors happy and boost your search engine rankings.

How to avoid slow load times?

  • Compressing your CSS can help to reduce the size of the file and make it easier for your visitors to download it. Reducing HTTP requests can speed up your website’s loading time and reduce HTTP requests. However, a compressed file can still take some time to download so it may still be better to defer the loading of this CSS file until it’s needed.
  • Using a tool like W3 Total Cache or WP Rocket can compress and minify your CSS files without any additional code. These plugins will detect when a file is being requested and will automatically send it to the browser once it’s downloaded. These plugins will detect when a file is being requested and will automatically send it to the browser once it’s downloaded.
  • Using HTTPS can also help prevent your site from being indexed as a “secure” website on Google, which can help to improve your search ranking. However, this won’t prevent users from seeing your images or content from going to their own servers, which can cause your page to load more slowly.
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CSS loading deferral methods

CSS loading deferral methods are classified into two types: deferred loading of external CSS files and deferred loading of inline styles.

Deferred loading of external CSS files

Deferred loading of external CSS files is the simplest method and is accomplished by adding a comment to the external style sheet that tells the browser to load the style sheet later when the document has loaded. This allows the browser to begin parsing the document’s HTML before the style sheet has loaded, enabling it to display content earlier in the page load process.

Deferred loading of inline styles

Deferred loading of inline styles is similar to deferring the loading of external CSS files except it uses the @media query instead of comments. The page’s HTML includes a media query that determines if the browser should load the style sheet and if so, what style sheets it should load. Media queries have the advantage of being more specific than the comments used by external style sheets. Since the browser can parse the page’s HTML without the style sheet first, it can display content earlier in the page load process than using an external style sheet.

External style sheets are the easiest method for deferring the loading of CSS because they require minimal effort on the part of the developer and no JavaScript is required.

Ways to defer the loading of CSS

Deferring CSS loading can significantly improve the performance of your web page. The deferring load may be accomplished using three methods: defer CSS, defer media, and defer Javascript.

Defer CSS

Put all your styles in a CSS file called style.css or main.css. Link this file to the head of your page. Then use the defer property to tell the browser to load this file later. The browser will not attempt to download the CSS file until the page has loaded all of the resources it needs. Once the page has loaded all of its resources, it will then download and apply the CSS file to the page.

Defer Media

Add all media queries to a CSS file called responsive.css or mobile.css and link this file in the head of your HTML. Then use the defer attribute in the @media rule to tell the browser to load the responsive.css file when the page is loaded. This allows the browser to know exactly what responsive elements it needs to show on your page so it can begin loading those assets before the main CSS file is downloaded and applied.

Defer Javascript

Include a link to your JavaScript code in the HTML head by placing it in a file called main.js. Add the defer attribute to the first <script> tag in the JavaScript file. This tells the browser to wait until all of the resources are available before downloading your script and executing it.


You may increase your website’s loading speed by adopting these techniques, which can lead to a better user experience and improved search engine results. This may increase your website’s loading speed by adopting these approaches, which can lead to a better user experience and improved search engine results. It can ensure that your CSS files are loaded as efficiently as possible. This will increase your website’s performance and keep your visitors satisfied. This will increase your website’s performance and keep your visitors satisfied. Thanks for reading!!

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