What is the difference between embed, object, and iframe tags?

You may have come across some HTML tags namely embed object and iframe, and wondered where they are used and how they are different. On the surface, all of these tags seem to do the same thing, but there are a few key differences. When you’re using these tags in your projects, it’s important to know the difference between them to make a better decision on which one should be used in what scenario. In this article, we will look at what these tags are, their attributes, and the key differences between them.
All of the HTML tags mentioned embed, object, and iframe are basically used to embed something in an HTML page. For various reasons, it can be an advantage to embed an element in a page. These days it is especially video that is embedded, and to some degree pdf documents, but those are not the only uses.
Frames, a previous iteration of the modern iframe
tag, were extremely popular in the late 1990s since they opened up new design options. Due to Frames the tag being deleted in HTML 5, frames are only used on a small number of outdated websites nowadays. We still frequently utilize embedding, and there are three tags for it: object
, embed
, and iframe
. They essentially perform the same functions, but you should be aware that the tags differ slightly in a few small ways, which may make one of them preferable to utilize when coding. iframe
is currently the most common tag overall, whereas embed
is allegedly being deprecated.
One important thing to note here is that, while all these tags embed object and iframe can handle video, it is generally a better decision to use the <video>
tag if you are planning to embed videos in your HTML page.
Difference between embed, object, and iframe
The <iframe>
tag is the most commonly used tag for embedding another page or document within an HTML page.
We can create a simple iframe by using the following syntax,
title="Codedamn iframe example"
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
And it will look something like this on an actual HTML Page,

Notice how the iframe also has a vertical scrollbar by default. You may also notice we are using some attributes like src
, title
, width
, height
. Only the src
attribute is required to make the iframe work and you should put the path to the file or page you’re trying to embed in it. There are so many attributes that be added to customize the iframe to your liking, some of the important ones are mentioned below.
If you choose, you may write something or include photographs within the <iframe>
opening and closing tags. That will only be displayed underneath the content that the “src” property is linking to.
Attribute | Values | Description |
src | URL | provides the iframe’s embedded file address. |
height | pixels | specifies the iframe’s width in pixels. The effect can be achieved with style, which is in any case advised. |
width | pixels | specifies the iframe’s width in pixels. The effect can also be achieved with style. |
title | string | specifies a title for the iframe. |
allowfullscreen | boolean | Specifies if the iframe can invoke fullscreen mode by invoking the requestFullscreen() method. |
name | string | Specifies a targetable name for the embedded browsing context. The target attribute of the <a>, <form>, or <base> elements may use this. |
loading | lazy/eager | Specifies how the browser should load the iframe. |
The tag
The <embed>
tag is basically like the <iframe>
tag but with fewer attributes. The component inserts external content into the document at the designated location. This content comes from an external program or another source.
We can use the <embed>
tag as follows,
<embed type="video/webm"
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
It will look something like this on an HTML page,

Notice there are closing tags, and unlike iframe, we have to specify a “type” attribute for it to work.
The attributes that are available to be used on this tag are as follows,
Attribute | Values | Description |
src | URL | provides the embed’s embedded file address. |
height | pixels | specifies the element’s width in pixels. The effect can be achieved with style, which is in any case advised. This cannot be a percentage; it must be an absolute value. |
width | pixels | specifies the element’s width in pixels. The effect can also be achieved with style. This cannot be a percentage; it must be an absolute value. |
type | string | specifies a type of content to be embedded. |
The tag
In comparison to <iframe>
and <embed>
, the <object>
tag is a little older and is still functional in HTML 4.01. The proper syntax for implementing it is as follows:
<object type="video/webm"
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
And like the previous example, it will look like this on an HTML page,

Notice there are closing tags here like in an iframe but we also have to specify a “type” attribute. Also keep in mind that we are using the “data” attribute here rather than “src”, which is the attribute typically used for file/path. If you choose, you may write something or include photographs within the <object>
opening and closing tags. That will only be displayed underneath the content that the “data” property is linking to.
Here are some of the important attributes that come with the <object>
Attribute | Values | Description |
data | URL | provides the object’s embedded file address. |
height | pixels | specifies the element’s width in pixels. The effect can be achieved with style, which is in any case advised. This cannot be a percentage; it must be an absolute value. |
width | pixels | specifies the element’s width in pixels. The effect can also be achieved with style. This cannot be a percentage; it must be an absolute value. |
type | string | specifies a type of content to be embedded. |
name | string | The name of the control (HTML4), or the name of the embedded browsing context (HTML5). |
border | pixels | Specifies the width of a border around the object’s control, in px. |
Being able to embed external content, embed object and iframe or files in your web pages can be extremely useful. In this article, we looked at what are embed, iframe, and object tags, how they are used, as well as the differences between them, and some important attributes associated with them. I hope this article has helped you solidify your understanding of these tags and you’ll be able to which of these tags you should be using in your project. Now it is time for you to apply what you have learned and use these tags appropriately in your code!
If you have any questions regarding this article or want to talk about anything technology, you can find me on Twitter. Thank you for reading!
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