What’s New – September’22 Codedamn
At codedamn, we’re constantly working on upgrades and improvements so you can get the best learning experience.
September 2022 was full of revisions and renovations, and we’re super excited to present new and improved features so you can get the best learning experience.
Let’s dive in
Hints (Supported in Labs)
First things first.
Do you ever feel stuck while completing a challenge, but don’t want to check the solution?
Take a hint! (I promise, it doesn’t hurt)
Once you finish writing your code, click on “Run Tests”. On the left side, in the challenges tab, you’ll see a hint, briefly explaining what to do. This can help you solve the lab in a better way.
Explore hints – https://codedamn.com/learn/tailwind-css/introduction/tailwind-hello-world
100 Days Of Projects
You asked for it – and we brought it back! But what’s new?
All the projects now come in a guided mode, giving you step-by-step instructions on completing each project. Cool, right?
With guided projects, you can easily learn, build and ship beautiful projects on your profile. This is the best way to build your portfolio and get noticed by recruiters.
Take the challenge today – https://codedamn.com/100-days-of-projects
Search in Files

While you’re writing code and are completely buried in code files, it can be pretty daunting to scroll through all of them to find another file.
With the “Search in Files” functionality, you can easily search and jump to another file with just a few clicks.
Easy right?
Editable Preview URL

The browser embed you see on codedamn playgrounds is now customizable. What does this mean?
Earlier, the URL of the iframe was not editable. However, it has now been changed to support any URL. Try it out here: bun.new
Create Courses on Codedamn
Creating interactive courses is now as easy as it can ever be. With the added support for java and python interactive labs, you can build and sell interactive courses like never before.
Learn how to create an interactive Java lab – https://teach.codedamn.com/docs/technologies/java-junit
Explore how you can create an interactive python lab with Pytest – https://teach.codedamn.com/docs/technologies/python-pytest
Psst.. the best part?
You don’t have to worry about how to market your course, we’ll do that for you. And if you’re already a creator at other platforms like Udemy, YouTube, Teachable, we will setup your account and perform the migration for you, free of cost.
Focus on creating, leave the rest to us 🙂
Sign up as a creator – https://codedamn.com/instructor
That’s a wrap!
October awaits new initiatives and a lot more opportunities for you. See you again, next month, right here.
Sharing is caring
Did you like what Agam singh, Aman Ahmed Siddiqui, Aman Chopra, Aman, Amol Shelke, Anas Khan, Anirudh Panda, Ankur Balwada, Anshul Soni, Arif Shaikh, wrote? Thank them for their work by sharing it on social media.
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