Course certificate

Certificate Details

This certificate is presented to Kushagra Mathur for successfully completing Docker: Containerization for Modern Development on May 24th, 2023

Awarded To: Kushagra Mathur

Awarded User ID: 62408d38092b190009e9418e

Date: May 24th, 2023 01:24:38 PM

Course Name: Docker: Containerization for Modern Development

Certificate Verification Hash: b34c53d7dfa5ad8495f6963d685049b288d5e7e4

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ProDocker: Containerization for Modern Development

Docker: Containerization for Modern Development

(147 Ratings)
753 Enrolled

Course Goals

  • Understand the basic concepts of containerization and how Docker fits into the containerization landscape.
  • Learn how to install and set up Docker on various operating systems.
  • Familiarize yourself with the Docker CLI and Dockerfile syntax for creating and managing Docker images.
  • Learn how to work with Docker containers, including starting, stopping, and managing multiple containers.
  • Understand how to use Docker Hub to find and share pre-built Docker images.
  • Learn how to manage Docker networks and connect containers together.
  • Understand the basics of Docker orchestration and how to use Docker Compose to manage multi-container applications.
image of Piyush Garg

Piyush Garg


Full-stack Developer