
What are error boundaries in React?

What are error boundaries in React?

Hello, codedamn developers! As we plunge deeper into the realm of React, it's crucial to address how we handle and contain errors in our applications. React has been a game-changer in building interactive UIs, but like any other technology, unexpected hiccups can occur. Let's explore how to gracefully handle these hiccups.


React is an open-source JavaScript library widely used for building user interfaces or UI components. Its component-based architecture has redefined the way we think about and structure our web applications. But as with any piece of code, React components are susceptible to errors. These errors, if not handled correctly, can lead to undesirable UI states or even crash an entire application. This is where the concept of error boundaries comes into play.

What are Error Boundaries?

Error boundaries are a React feature that allows developers to catch JavaScript errors anywhere in their component tree, log those errors, and display a fallback UI. Think of error boundaries as "try/catch" blocks, but specifically tailored for React components. While traditional try/catch blocks in JavaScript can catch errors in regular code blocks, error boundaries excel in catching errors that occur during rendering, in lifecycle methods, and in constructors for all components below them in the component tree.

When to Use Error Boundaries

You might wonder if every error in React warrants an error boundary. The answer is, not always. Error boundaries shine the most when:

  • Protecting UI from going blank due to unexpected errors.
  • Isolating errors to only the parts of the app that are misbehaving.
  • Logging error information for diagnostics or feedback.

They act as a cushion, ensuring that even if a part of your UI crashes, the rest of the application remains intact.


While error boundaries are powerful, they aren't a catch-all solution. Notably:

  • They do not catch errors within event handlers. You'd still need to use traditional try/catch for them.
  • Asynchronous code, such as setTimeout or requestAnimationFrame callbacks, are outside their scope.
  • They won't catch errors thrown during server-side rendering.
  • External libraries or components might not always be wrapped with error boundaries.

How to Implement Error Boundaries

At the heart of error boundaries are two lifecycle methods:

  1. static getDerivedStateFromError(): This method is used to render a fallback UI after an error is thrown. It captures the error and updates the state accordingly.
  2. componentDidCatch(): This method is used to log error information. It catches the error and any details about it.

Basic Implementation

Let's create a basic error boundary component:

1class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component { 2 constructor(props) { 3 super(props); 4 this.state = { hasError: false }; 5 } 6 7 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) { 8 // Update state so the next render will show the fallback UI. 9 return { hasError: true }; 10 } 11 12 componentDidCatch(error, info) { 13 // You can also log the error to an error reporting service 14 console.log(error, info); 15 } 16 17 render() { 18 if (this.state.hasError) { 19 return <h1>Something went wrong.</h1>; 20 } 21 return this.props.children; 22 } 23}

Wrapping Components

Once the error boundary is defined, you can use it to wrap any other component:

<ErrorBoundary> <MyComponent /> </ErrorBoundary>

Now, if MyComponent (or any of its children) throws an error during rendering, the error boundary will catch it, log it, and display the fallback UI.

In conclusion, error boundaries are a nifty feature in React that helps in improving user experience and application robustness. Properly implemented, they can ensure that small issues don't crash your entire application. For more details, you can refer to the official React documentation on Error Boundaries. Happy coding!

Where to Place Error Boundaries

When you're developing React applications on platforms like codedamn, one of the core concepts you'll need to be acquainted with is error boundaries. Think of error boundaries as try-catch blocks but for the React component tree. Strategically placing them can be crucial to offering an uninterrupted user experience.

Top-level Placement

Placing an error boundary at the top level of your application provides a catch-all for any error that occurs within the child components. It ensures that, regardless of where an error emerges, you have a safety net in place.


  • Broad Coverage: A single top-level boundary can handle errors from any component in the tree.
  • Simplified Error Management: Consolidate error handling in one location.


  • Single Page Applications (SPA): Particularly useful when you want to prevent an entire page crash.
  • Apps with a Common Fallback UI: When you want to display a consistent error message or UI across the board.

Individual Component Wrapping

Rather than capturing all errors in a single net, this strategy involves wrapping individual components or smaller sections of the UI.


  • Fine-tuned Error Messages: Deliver specific error feedback based on which component or widget fails.
  • Isolated Failures: Only the misbehaving component gets replaced by the fallback UI, preserving the rest of the user interface.

Granularity Considerations

It's crucial to strike a balance. While top-level boundaries offer broad coverage, they might not be as descriptive. Conversely, while individual wrapping provides precision, it might be overkill for some scenarios. The decision largely depends on the nature of the app and the user experience you want to deliver.

Fallback UIs

Providing fallback UIs ensures users are not left staring at a broken app or, worse, a blank screen. It's about gracefully managing failures.

Customizing the UI

The beauty of error boundaries is that they allow customization of the fallback UI. By tapping into the error information, you can provide tailored messages or even suggest corrective actions based on the type of error.

Design Integration

Your fallback UI should not feel out of place. Ensure it aligns with your design systems or brand guidelines, offering a cohesive visual experience even during failures.

Logging and Monitoring

Merely catching and handling errors is not enough. For continuous improvement, you should log them for analysis.

Integration with Tools

Platforms like Sentry, LogRocket, and others can integrate seamlessly with React. By connecting your app to these tools, you can get real-time error tracking.

Sending Detailed Reports

Error boundaries provide not just error messages, but also component stacks. Forward this invaluable information to monitoring services to understand and rectify the root causes.

Tips and Best Practices

Consistent User Experience

Even in error scenarios, the user experience should remain as seamless as possible. Fallback UIs should be intuitive, guiding the user rather than leaving them stranded.

When Not to Use

While error boundaries are powerful, they don't catch errors in event handlers, asynchronous code, server-side rendering, and some other scenarios. Recognizing these instances is crucial.

Other Resilience Strategies

Error boundaries are just one part of robustness. Consider combining them with techniques like retries, or using patterns that handle asynchronous operations gracefully.

Error Boundaries in Functional Components

Limitations with Functional Components

Currently, React doesn't offer a direct hook for error boundaries in functional components. This means class components are your go-to for this functionality.

Workarounds and Patterns

While direct support is missing, community-driven solutions and patterns can help incorporate error boundaries in functional components. Leveraging higher-order components or wrapping functional components inside class-based error boundaries are popular strategies.

The Future of Error Boundaries

With React's ever-evolving nature, it's anticipated that more refined error-handling mechanisms might emerge. The community has been vocal about a more direct solution for functional components. It remains a space worth watching.

Common Mistakes and Pitfalls

  • Over-reliance on Top-Level Boundaries: Relying solely on top-level boundaries might not provide the granular feedback users need.
  • Ignoring Errors: Simply catching errors without addressing them can lead to larger issues down the line.


In the dynamic landscape of React development on platforms like codedamn, error boundaries play a pivotal role. They not only salvage the user experience during unforeseen errors but also provide developers with vital insights. Embracing them ensures your React apps are both user-friendly and developer-friendly.

Further Reading and Resources

  1. React Official Documentation on Error Boundaries
  2. Handling Errors in React with Error Boundaries
  3. Advanced Techniques with React Error Boundaries
  4. Sentry – Real-time error tracking

Happy coding, and remember, while errors are inevitable, how you handle them makes all the difference!

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