Best Practices for Handling Errors with try/catch or Error Boundaries in React.js

Handling errors effectively is a crucial aspect of developing robust applications. This is particularly true when it comes to modern JavaScript frameworks like React.js, where unhandled errors can have a significant impact on user experience. In this blog post, we will discuss best practices for handling errors in React.js applications using try/catch and error boundaries. By following these best practices, you can create more reliable and user-friendly applications that gracefully handle unexpected situations.

Understanding Errors in JavaScript and React.js

Before diving into best practices, it is important to understand the nature of errors in JavaScript and how they relate to React.js. Errors in JavaScript can be classified into two categories: synchronous and asynchronous errors.

Synchronous Errors

Synchronous errors occur when a piece of code fails to execute correctly. These errors are typically the result of syntax errors, type errors, or other programming mistakes. Synchronous errors can be caught and handled using the try/catch construct available in JavaScript.

try {
const result = someFunctionThatMightThrowAnError();
} catch (error) {
console.error('An error occurred:', error);

Asynchronous Errors

Asynchronous errors, on the other hand, occur when a code block is executed asynchronously, usually as part of a callback function or a promise chain. Since the try/catch construct only works with synchronous code, handling asynchronous errors requires a different approach, such as using .catch() on a promise or wrapping the code in an async function.

.then((result) => {
.catch((error) => {
console.error('An error occurred:', error);

In React.js, errors can occur both synchronously and asynchronously. Synchronous errors typically result from mistakes in the component implementation, while asynchronous errors often stem from API calls, event handlers, or other asynchronous operations.

Using try/catch in React Components

The try/catch construct is a powerful way to handle synchronous errors in JavaScript. In the context of React components, you can use try/catch in component methods or lifecycle methods to handle errors that might occur during rendering or updating.

Example: Handling Errors in componentDidMount

Consider the following example, where an error might occur while fetching data from an API in the componentDidMount lifecycle method:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
state = {
data: null,
error: null,

async componentDidMount() {
try {
const response = await fetch('');
const data = await response.json();
this.setState({ data });
} catch (error) {
this.setState({ error });

render() {
const { data, error } = this.state;

if (error) {
return <div>An error occurred: {error.message}</div>;

if (!data) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;

return (
{/* Render the data here */}

In this example, we wrap the fetch call in a try/catch block to handle potential errors. If an error occurs, we update the component’s state with the error, which is then displayed in the render method.

Error Boundaries in React

While try/catch is useful for handling errors within a single component, it doesn’t help when errors occur in child components. This is where error boundaries come in. An error boundary is aspecial type of React component that can catch errors that occur in its child component tree, log the errors, and display a fallback UI. Error boundaries are particularly useful for handling errors that might occur during rendering, as they prevent the entire application from crashing.

To create an error boundary, you need to define a class component with one or both of the following lifecycle methods:

  • static getDerivedStateFromError(error): This method is called when an error is thrown in a child component. It receives the error as its argument and should return an object that updates the component’s state.
  • componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo): This method is called after an error is caught by the error boundary. It receives the error and an additional errorInfo object, which contains information about the component stack. You can use this method to log the error, send it to an error reporting service, or perform other side effects.

Example: Creating an Error Boundary

Here’s an example of a simple error boundary component:

class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component {
state = { error: null };

static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {
return { error };

componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {
console.error('An error occurred:', error, errorInfo);

render() {
const { error } = this.state;
const { children, fallback } = this.props;

if (error) {
return fallback ? fallback : <div>An error occurred.</div>;

return children;

To use the error boundary, wrap your components with it:

function App() {
return (
<ErrorBoundary fallback={<div>An error occurred in the component tree.</div>}>
<MyComponent />

In this example, if an error occurs in MyComponent or any of its child components, the error will be caught by the ErrorBoundary, and the fallback UI will be displayed instead.

Best Practices for Error Handling in React

Now that you’re familiar with using try/catch and error boundaries, let’s discuss some best practices for error handling in React applications.

  1. Use error boundaries judiciously: Don’t wrap every single component in an error boundary. Instead, strategically place error boundaries around key parts of your application, such as high-level routes or layout components. This helps to prevent the entire application from crashing if an error occurs in a specific part of the component tree.
  2. Handle errors gracefully: When an error occurs, provide a meaningful message or a fallback UI to the user. This helps to maintain a positive user experience, even in the face of unexpected errors.
  3. Log errors: Use the componentDidCatch method in error boundaries to log errors, and consider sending them to an error reporting service. This can help you identify and fix issues in your application more quickly.
  4. Don’t forget about asynchronous errors: While error boundaries are great for catching errors during rendering, they don’t catch errors in event handlers, API calls, or other asynchronous operations. Be sure to use try/catch or .catch() to handle asynchronous errors in your components.
  5. Test your error handling: Ensure that your error handling code is working as expected by writing tests that simulate errors in your components. This can help you catch potential issues before they make it into production.


Q: Can I use error boundaries with functional components?

A: No, error boundaries can only be created using class components. However, you can still use an error boundary to catch errors in functional components by wrapping them with the error boundary.

Q: How do I handle errors in hooks like useEffect?

A: When using hooks like useEffect, you can handle errors by wrapping the code inside the effect function with a try/catch block or by using .catch() on promises. You can also use a custom hook to encapsulate error handling logic.

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

function useFetchData(url) {
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
const [error, setError] = useState(null);

useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch(url);
const data = await response.json();
} catch (err) {

}, [url]);

return { data, error };

Q: How do I handle errors in event handlers?

A: When working with event handlers, you can handle errors by wrapping the event handler code in a try/catch block or by using .catch() on promises. This allows you to handle errors locally within the event handler function.

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
handleClick = async () => {
try {
const result = await someAsyncFunction();
} catch (error) {
console.error('An error occurred:', error);

render() {
return <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Click me</button>;

Q: Can error boundaries catch errors in error boundaries?

A: No, error boundaries cannot catch errors that occur within their own lifecycle methods or render methods. If an error occurs in an error boundary, you will need to handle it using a higher-level error boundary or other error handling mechanisms.

Q: How can I test my error handling code?

A: To test your error handling code, you can use testing libraries like Jest and React Testing Library to simulate errors in your components. This can involve mocking API calls, throwing errors in mocked functions, or using special testing utilities to trigger errors in the component tree.

import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import ErrorBoundary from './ErrorBoundary';

test('ErrorBoundary displays fallback UI when child component throws an error', () => {
const errorMessage = 'An error occurred in the component tree.';
const FailingComponent = () => {
throw new Error('An error occurred.');

const { getByText } = render(
<ErrorBoundary fallback={<div>{errorMessage}</div>}>
<FailingComponent />


By following these best practices for handling errors in React.js using try/catch and error boundaries, you can build more resilient and user-friendly applications that gracefully handle unexpected situations.

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