React 17 is released – What’s New in React?
React 17 was just released today and the official blog post covers it in great depth. In this post, let’s discuss what major changes it brings and how they affect you as a React developer.
No New Features
First big bummer is that there’s no new feature in this React release. Because this is a Release Candidate release, it is clear that there would be no features in any 17.x release.
That means, any new feature is now going to be in React 18 and later.
import React is not required
This is a good implementation, something which Next.js has been following for some time. Consider the following block of code:
export default function Home() {
return <h1>Hello</h1>
If you try to use this as a component with React 16 or earlier, you’ll get an error React not found even if you’re not using React variable at all here. This is because, this JSX is actually compiled down to the following:
“use strict”;
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.default = Home;
function Home() {
return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(“h1”, null, “Hello”);
See what happened there? Your JSX was compiled down to something which uses React. And now because React was not in scope, you got an error.
This is not a problem with React 17. React 17 automatically injects React in scope. Here’s how it happens if you want more details
Event Delegation Changes
Earlier, React used to follow the following convention, take a look at the code:
<button onClick={handleClick}>Button</button>
When you write this React code, React actually attaches the click event listener on document object and whenever you click on the button, DOM actually calls the event listener on document and then React calls the right event handler.
With React 17, React now attaches event listener on your rootNode of the tree, i.e. the element you give in ReactDOM.render call. This image describes it better:
Credits: React official blog
No Event Pooling
This is personally my favourite thing with React 17. Events are no longer pooled. What does that mean? Consider the following React code:
function Home() {
function handleChange(e) {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log( // ERROR in React 16 and below
}, 2000)
return <button onClick={handleChange}>Hello</button>
The above code would be problematic in React 16 and below, because the e i.e. the event object is pooled i.e. shared across different events. So it is possible that by the time setTimeout actually fires your callback function, the e object is actually used by some other event and is now not what you expect.
This is fixed in React 17 with the change that there’s no event pooling now. That means your object would be unique to the event call! Nice 🙂
More Changes
Effect cleanup timing – the callback function from useEffect when the component is unmounted is now asynchronously executed, instead of synchronous execution which used to happen before.
Better native component stacks
Some internal private export changes in React
I’m excited for React and what it brings! Suspense and concurrent mode is also around the corner. Let’s see what React has to offer in React 18 and later.
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