
Difference between Flexbox and CSS grid

Difference between Flexbox and CSS grid

Flexbox and grid are two amazing layouts we can use. But there is a big debate going on as to which one we use on our web pages. In this article, we will dive into the differences between grid and flexbox. First, let’s learn about these layouts, and then we will go into the differences.


You did all the hard work to build your website and then you make your browser window a little bit smaller all of a sudden you find your website isn’t responsive. And to adjust that error we change a few things but it will lead to a new error in the design. So it’s very important to design the layout of your website.

Flexbox and CSS Grid are two layout properties that are used to create responsive web pages. These two CSS properties are very powerful tools for creating modern, responsive web page layouts, and they are widely used by web developers today. They both are used to create the layouts but they both have different strengths and weaknesses.

And it is very important to choose the right one for your project. In this article, as we go ahead we will discuss the differences between these two so that you can choose the right one for your website.


Flexbox is a flexible way to lay out items in either a column or in a row. To get started in the flexbox you need to set the display to flex. The flex container now has control over the elements present in the element. And now you can easily layout our items in the way you want. To learn more about flexbox you can visit this link.

For example here is a simple code to center a div using the flexbox

<body> <div class="image"> <img src="vscode.png" /> <img src="codedamn.jpg" /> </div> <style> img { width: 100px; height: 100px; padding: 10px; } .image { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; min-height: 100vh; } </style> </body>
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

CSS Grid

CSS Grid is a system for laying out items across a movable set of horizontal and vertical lines. Inside a grid, we have invisible lines that divide rows and columns. The space between two parallel grids is known as a grid track and the space between four lines is known as a grid area. To get started in the grid you can set the container of elements you want to arrange to display: grid and then you can start customizing them in whatever way you like.

To learn more about the CSS Grid property you can visit this link. Here is an example to center a div using the

.image{ display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; }
Code language: CSS (css)


FlexboxCSS Grid
DimensionalityOne dimensionalTwo dimensional
Primary axisHorziontal or verticalrow axis and column axis
Flexibility FlexibleMore flexible
ComplexityLess complexMore complex

Now let’s discuss this in detail.


CSS Grid is two-dimensional it can use both columns and rows to handle the layout at a time. So that we can create much more complex layouts with the grid. Whereas flexbox is one dimensional it’s either row or column this can’t handle both at a time. So it is much easier to create simple layouts with single rows or columns with flexbox.


CSS Grid allows you to customize your items in both directions vertically and horizontally. In flexbox, it’s either horizontal or vertical. Items flow in a single direction. As the grid flows in multiple directions CSS grid has more options to align items both in the vertical and horizontal directions.


Both grid and flex have a lot of options to align items. However, it is the grid that comes with 2 dimensional has more features than the flex. With CSS Grid, you can specify the order of items in your layout using the grid-row and grid-column properties. With CSS Flexbox, you can specify the order of items using the order property. Here is a link to the grid and flexbox properties cheatsheet.


In conclusion, CSS Grid and Flexbox are both CSS layout modes that can be used to create responsive and flexible layouts. However, they are designed to solve different types of layout problems and are better suited to different types of tasks. The choice between Flexbox and Grid will depend on the specific requirements of your layout and the complexity of the layout you need to create. So choose one wisely according to your needs. If you have any doubts comments section is for you. Thank you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is better display flex or grid?

Both the display: flex and display: grid CSS layout modes are powerful tools for creating flexible and responsive layouts, and they each have their own strengths and use cases. display: flex is a simpler and more flexible layout mode that is easier to learn and use, while display: grid is more powerful and flexible but requires a bit more effort to set up and use effectively. So you have to choose one according to your project requirements.

What’s the difference between CSS grid vs flexbox?

CSS Grid is 2D, items flow in both directions. Whereas flexbox is 1D items flow in only one direction. You can build a complex layout using the grid. Flexbox is for simple layouts. It will be great if we use both together this can save a lot of time and can create much more complex layouts. Flexbox is easy to use whereas developers feel it is a bit difficult to understand the grid.

Does CSS grid replace flexbox?

No CSS grid can’t replace the flexbox. Grid and the flexbox are used to create responsive web pages. Each comes up their one advantage and disadvantage. You can read the differences between them in the blog. However, grid and flex can be used together for the same websites to make awesome layouts, they can even be nested inside one another.

How does Flexbox and CSS grid differ?

CSS Grid is 2D, items flow in both directions. Whereas flexbox is 1D items flow in only one direction. You can build a complex layout using the grid. Flexbox is for simple layouts. It will be great if we use both together this can save a lot of time and can create much more complex layouts. Flexbox is easy to use whereas developers feel it is a bit difficult to understand the grid.

What is the difference between Flexbox and CSS grid?

Flexbox is a one-dimensional layout module in CSS that allows you to create flexible and responsive layouts by aligning elements in a single direction, either horizontally or vertically. CSS grid is a two-dimensional layout module that allows you to create a grid of elements with rows and columns, making it well-suited for more complex layouts.

Flexbox is generally easier to use and understand, while CSS grid is more powerful and flexible but also more complex. Both can be used together in the same project to create the most powerful and flexible layouts.

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