All frontend web development languages you should know

Hey readers! đź‘‹ Have you ever wondered how some of the most amazing websites were made? Frontend web development plays an important role in making such websites look awesome.
You all already know this, but what maybe you don’t know is which are the languages frontend area covers and some of them have really cool features, even I was quite fascinated when I research all the frontend languages out there ✌
In this article, I am going to talk about the frontend web development languages that you should know if you are thinking of starting a career in frontend development. Even myself is learning front-end for quite some time, so I feel I can give you my honest overview of which technologies I have worked with and for which I am excited to work. So let’s get started 🤩
Getting Started
I mentioned about frontend but didn’t explain what is a frontend, silly me 🤦‍♂️
Frontend development mainly focuses on the client side which is features and visualization of web applications. It is like eating a cupcake, you can simply look at a cupcake and decide whether it’s going to be tasty or not, simply by looks to be precise, people tend to judge by appearance, and this is not limited to only in between humans, it is applicable to websites too, the UI of the websites and proper functioning decides whether the user is going to stay on a platform for a longer duration or not. This can be a bizarre example but you should understand it by now.
Since frontend development works as a bridge between design and backend development. Frontend developers are highly skilled in technicals and a bit creative. Here is the list of the frontend languages available for you to learn.
Essential Language
HTML is a (Hyper-Text Markup Language) which is used in web browsers implicitly, the work of HTML is to simply develop a structure for your website and to display all your information. It is the first language that you must learn if you want to get started in frontend development.
HTML structure consists of the portion of the web page for example title at the top and then the body section in which all the information will come.
<html lang="en">
<h2>Codedman is Awesome<h2>
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
CSS is a (Cascading Style Sheets) which is used to style the HTML file in simple terms it fills with colors, fonts-style, animation, and many more. It is used to look at your web page beautifully and some designs earlier in HTML structure are like a plain web page with nothing interesting on it. CSS fulfills the emptiness by adding styles.
To write CSS you need to add Classes or IDs which you will learn in the process of learning CSS and HTML. Below is a simple style that I am using to add background color to the “Codedamn is Awesome” text present in HTML above code.
background-color: purple;
Code language: CSS (css)
Remember: While working with CSS, you need to link it to the HTML file. Add the below code to the HTML file after the title.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css file path"
Code language: CSS (css)
It is essentially everywhere on the web, the DOM (Document Object Model) which helps to define the logical structure. Everything in programming is at last compiled into javascript if that thing is in the form of a web page or web app. It adds some interactivity to the web page, and it makes it more connection-oriented, by that I mean it lets you add programming and computational stuff and compile it and convert it into web pages.
The point is javascript super popular and super important language out there for frontend web development. Irrespective of the fact that javascript is slower than its competitors. Javascript will not only help you as a front-end developer but the impact of this goes beyond frontend to backend to DevOps and a lot of other fields where very few technologies are like this.
There are multiple frameworks present and choosing which one during the learning of Frontend Development is often difficult. My experience is to choose any one of these listed below and get started with it.
React is a library that is built by Facebook and maintained by them. It is out of the box and does not ship with a lot of things which means react is not opinionated that is it doesn’t ship many built-in solutions, so it gives you the freedom to choose and build it custom for you. It is easy to learn and since it is a library, you can learn things that require the most and it is a beginner-friendly language.
Some of the features that React provides are:
- Virtual Dom
- Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
- Uni-Directional
- Components
Angular a typescript-based framework for building user interfaces was developed at Google and released in 2016 as the sequel to angularjs. It provides one of the most powerful CLI tools. Angular comes pre-configured with routing, a testing framework, and a style processor. It can easily turn your app into a progressive web app. you can add server-side rendering, firebase support, and do a whole bunch of other cool stuff.
Some of the features of Angular are:
- Hot Module Replacement (HMR) support
- Component Test Harnesses
- Cross-platform
- Angular CLI
It’s a javascript framework for building frontend UIs. At its core Vue provides a way to build components that encapsulate data or state in your javascript and connect that state reactively to a template in HTML the name of these components is a declarative view because the same data input will always produce the same output in the visual UI.
Some of the features of Vue.js are
- Using Virtual DOM
- Empowered HTML
- Conditional Rendering
- Custom methods
There are more languages that I could have written, but knowing every one of them doesn’t give make you a developer.
After this blog you have decided to pursue frontend development for that you need a laptop so here I already wrote one blog about the best laptop for web development do check it out and click here
I believe knowing all the languages and tools doesn’t guarantee that you can be a great frontend developer. Learn less but learn it best.
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