Unlocking the Power of CSS Custom Properties

CSS Custom Properties, also known as CSS Variables, are a powerful tool that can help you streamline your stylesheets and make your web design more efficient and flexible. With CSS Custom Properties, you can define and reuse values for properties like colors, fonts, sizes, and more. In this blog post, we'll explore how to unlock the power of CSS Custom Properties by diving into their syntax, use cases, and some best practices. We'll also provide code examples and explanations to make it easy for beginners to follow along.

What are CSS Custom Properties?

CSS Custom Properties are a way to store and reuse values in your stylesheets. They allow you to define a value once and then use it throughout your CSS, making it easier to maintain your code and apply changes across your entire project.

To define a custom property, you'll use a double hyphen (--) followed by a descriptive name. For example, to create a custom property for the primary color of your website, you could write:

:root { --primary-color: #ff6b81; }

To use a custom property, you'll use the var() function. For example, to apply the primary color to the background of a button, you could write:

button { background-color: var(--primary-color); }

Now, whenever you want to change the primary color, you only need to update the value of the --primary-color custom property, and it will automatically apply to all the elements that use it.

Why use CSS Custom Properties?

CSS Custom Properties provide several benefits, including:

  1. Maintainability: They allow you to centralize your styling values, making it easier to update and maintain your stylesheets.
  2. Flexibility: They make it easy to create themeable components, allowing you to quickly change the appearance of your website with minimal effort.
  3. Readability: They provide a descriptive way to name and reference values in your CSS, improving the readability of your code.

Let's take a closer look at these benefits with some examples.


Imagine that you have a large project with multiple stylesheets and hundreds of color references. If you need to change the primary color, you would need to find and replace all instances of that color manually, which can be tedious and error-prone.

By using CSS Custom Properties, you can define the primary color in one place and then reference it throughout your stylesheets. If you need to change the primary color, you only need to update the custom property value, and all instances will be updated automatically.


CSS Custom Properties make it easy to create themeable components. You can define a set of custom properties for each theme and then use those properties in your stylesheets. When you want to switch themes, you only need to update the custom properties, and your entire website will be updated accordingly.

For example, you could define two themes like this:

/* Default theme */ :root { --primary-color: #ff6b81; --secondary-color: #34ace0; --background-color: #f7f1e3; --text-color: #2c2c54; } /* Dark theme */ .dark-theme { --primary-color: #ffb142; --secondary-color: #227093; --background-color: #2c2c54; --text-color: #f7f1e3; }

Then, you can use these custom properties in your stylesheets:

body { background-color: var(--background-color); color: var(--text-color); } button { background-color: var(--primary-color); color: var(--text-color); } a { color: var(--secondary-color); }

To switch themes, you can simply add or remove the .dark-theme class on the html or body element:



Using CSS Custom Properties improves the readability of your code. Instead of using hard-coded values, you can use descriptive names that make it clear what a value represents. This can be especially helpful when working with large stylesheets or collaborating with other developers.

Best Practices for Using CSS Custom Properties

To make the most of CSS Custom Properties, keep these best practices in mind:

  1. Use descriptive names: Choose meaningful names for your custom properties that describe their purpose. This will make your code easier to understand and maintain.
  2. Scope custom properties: Define custom properties at the most appropriate level of specificity. For global properties, use the :root selector. For component-specific properties, define them within the component's styles.
  3. Fallback values: Provide fallback values when using the var() function, in case a custom property is not defined.

Using Descriptive Names

Choose meaningful names for your custom properties that describe their purpose. For example, instead of using a generic name like --color1, use a more descriptive name like --primary-color or --button-background-color. This will make your code easier to understand and maintain.

Scoping Custom Properties

Define custom properties at the most appropriate level of specificity. Global properties, such as colors, fonts, and sizes that are used throughout your project, should be defined using the :root selector:

:root { --primary-color: #ff6b81; --secondary-color: #34ace0; --base-font-size: 16px; }

For component-specific properties, define them within the component's styles:

.card { --card-border-color: #e0e0e0; --card-border-radius: 8px; --card-padding: 1rem; }

Providing Fallback Values

When using the var() function, you can provide a fallback value that will be used if the custom property is not defined:

button { background-color: var(--primary-color, #ff6b81); }

In this example, if the --primary-color custom property is not defined, the button's background color will default to #ff6b81.


1. Can I use CSS Custom Properties with media queries?

Yes, you can use CSS Custom Properties with media queries to create responsive designs. Define your custom properties within the appropriate media query, and they will be updated when the conditions of the media query are met:

:root { --grid-columns: 2; } @media (min-width: 768px) { :root { --grid-columns: 4; } } .grid { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--grid-columns), 1fr); }

2. Can I use CSS Custom Properties with animations?

Yes, you can use CSS Custom Properties with animations. Define the custom properties that you want to animate and then use them in your keyframes:

:root { --progress-width: 0%; } @keyframes progress { to { --progress-width: 100%; } } .progress-bar { background-color: var(--primary-color); width: var(--progress-width); animation: progress 2s linear infinite; }

3. Are CSS Custom Properties supported in all browsers?

CSSCustom Properties are widely supported in modern browsers, including the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. However, they are not supported in Internet Explorer.

It's essential to provide fallback values when using the var() function, as shown earlier, to ensure that your styles degrade gracefully in browsers that do not support CSS Custom Properties.

button { background-color: var(--primary-color, #ff6b81); }

In this example, if the --primary-color custom property is not supported or not defined, the button's background color will default to #ff6b81.

4. Can I use CSS Custom Properties with preprocessors like Sass or Less?

Yes, you can use CSS Custom Properties alongside preprocessors like Sass or Less. Keep in mind that CSS Custom Properties are native to the browser, while preprocessor variables are compiled down to static values before being sent to the browser. As a result, you cannot use preprocessor variables inside CSS Custom Properties or vice versa.

However, you can use both types of variables in your project to take advantage of their respective strengths. For example, you might use preprocessor variables for configuration or theming that doesn't need to be dynamic, and use CSS Custom Properties for dynamic values that need to be updated in the browser.

5. Can I use JavaScript to manipulate CSS Custom Properties?

Yes, you can use JavaScript to get, set, or remove CSS Custom Properties. To manipulate a custom property, you can use the style.getPropertyValue(), style.setProperty(), and style.removeProperty() methods on an element:

// Get the value of a custom property const primaryColor = document.documentElement.style.getPropertyValue("--primary-color"); // Set the value of a custom property document.documentElement.style.setProperty("--primary-color", "#ffb142"); // Remove a custom property document.documentElement.style.removeProperty("--primary-color");

This can be useful for creating interactive effects, updating themes, or implementing custom user preferences.

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