How to launch your first course on codedamn?

Note: This article is for content creators and people who want to create/sell their interactive courses with codedamn. If you’re a learner/student, check out codedamn learning paths
Hello there! If you are an approved content creator for Codedamn and want to start working on publishing your first course, then you are at the right place.
This blog will guide you through Creator Panel, which is an online interface portal that Codedamn offers to its content creators for managing and publishing their courses, along with some neat features like analytics, enrolled students management etc.
#1 Accessing the Creator Panel
As we discussed above, the Creator Panel is a reserved️ web portal only for content creators, if you already have credentials to access that, you’re good to move on to the next section.
If not, please apply to become a content creator here. Currently this is a closed group of content creators only. We’ll get back to you within 24 hours.
Creator Panel Login page @
#2: Exploring the dashboard
The dashboard is the first screen you see after logging in. It is designed to display the most recent and important metrics in brief. However, you can always click to see more details.
Key metrics shown above:
Course Earnings ?- Total revenue earned, can sorted by month / year
Enrolled students ??? – Number of students enrolled per course
Comments ? – Reply to recent comments on your course
Unique students count ? – See unique students enrolled in all your courses
#3: Edit your profile
Use the edit profile space to endorse/brand yourself as a content creator. This information will be displayed on all your published courses, promotional emails and other marketing done for your course by Codedamn.
PS: You can also change your Creator panel password here, if you wish to.
Don’t forget to upload an interesting profile picture! It has been observed that creators with a compelling profile picture and description tend to attract more learners to their course.
Edit Profile
#4: Creating a course!
And finally, now we are going to create a new Interactive Course!
I. You can create your first interactive course by going to the interactive courses page and then click on the Create New button or likewise you can also click on the blue plus button at the bottom right > Create Course
Creating your first courseCreate a course using the Plus Menu at bottom right corner
II. Clicking on Create Course will take you to Course Creation page .
Course Creation page
On this page you are asked to fill basic details regarding your course, like title, description, course image, promo-video etc.
After filling the required details, you can click on the Save button at the end and that will generate the course with empty curriculum for you and take you to the edit Details page.
Details page for the course we just created
At the top of the details page you will be able to observe a few navigation links like Details, Curriculum, Earnings and so on…
These links are specific pages for this course and will give you all the details and customizability that you would need for making and managing your course.
Navigation links for the course
#5: Building a curriculum
You can design your course curriculum from the curriculum page. Here, you can add hands-on practice labs, videos and quizzes to your course. You can freely adjust and customize these three items however you want, you can also create multiple sections to organize your course better.
Course Curriculum
#6: Creating an interactive lab
To create and Interactive lab you can click on the pencil icon in the lab item as shown below
Edit button
clicking on this pencil icon will open a modal that has two options to select from:
Create new lab
2. Link existing lab
Lab modal
since this is our first attempt at creating interactive labs so we don’t have any existing labs and hence we will create a new lab.
Clicking on Create new lab button opens a new browser tab where you can create the lab
Create new lab
STEP 1: Add title and description for your lab.
STEP 2: Select a template for your lab (these will be the default starter files)
Select lab template
STEP 3: Select lab layout and lab state
Select lab layout and lab state
STEP 4: Add lab defaults like repository , branch etc…
Add lab defaults like repository , branch etc…
STEP 5: Add compile and test commands.
NOTE: You will be able to add the test file once the lab has been created.
Add compile and test commands
STEP 6: Add challenges that the students will have to undertake to complete this lab. Then click on the Create Lab button.
Add challenges
Once you have created the lab, go back to the curriculum tab > click on pencil icon (edit button) for lab > Link existing lab
This will list all the labs created by you, and now you can select the one you want to link and then click on Link Lab .
Link newly created lab
And with this, you have successfully created and linked ✅ an interactive lab for your course! This will make the learning experience more enjoyable and impactful for students.
#7: Create a Quiz
Another interesting feature for impactful learning that codedamn provides is a Quiz.
Adding a quiz to your course allows the students to test their newly found knowledge immediately
Creating a quiz is very easy, here it goes:
STEP 1: click on the pencil icon next to the quiz item in the curriculum section
STEP 2: Add the question and options for the quiz and hit save!
and your quiz is created ✅.
Creating a quizNote: You can create a single option select or multi option select quiz
#8: Create a Video item
As popularized by youtube, recorded video learning has become the de-facto way of teaching theory online, and hence codedamn also allows you to add videos in your course.
STEP 1: Bulk upload videos (1 or more)
Bulk upload videos
STEP 2: Click on the pencil icon next to the video item, clicking on this opens up a modal where you can link your uploaded video and add other details like title, description etc. about the video.
Add video and detailsNOTE: After the bulk upload is complete, videos take some time (usually less than 30 minutes) for processing before being available in the library for usage.
And with this, we have done a thorough tour of the important features of the Codedamn Creator Panel and rest of the pages are quiet self explanatory and hence left for your exploration 🙂
If you have any doubts or need assistance then please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] or contact us here.
See-you at your next big course launch @codedamn!
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