These are the teams who won codedamn’s #hackfest

Hey Folks! We are super excited to announce the winners of codedamn’s maiden #hackfest held from June 4 to June 6, 2022. We saw an overwhelming response and some awesome projects from the participating teams. But first a quick brief on the hackathon:
- 650+ teams competed to take home the prizes
- Teams had to build a full-stack application with Node.js as the preferred backend & React as the preferred frontend
- The judging criteria were as follows:
- ?️ Originality of the Idea: What made a teams project stand apart and what features did they build for its execution
- ? Code Quality: The better the code, the higher the score, simple!
- ? Code Working: And of course, writing the code is easy, but making sure it works, carries its own weight
Well, without any further ado, here are the winners!
100 Days Of Code Platform, by Vindicators
This platform is intended for all the beginners who are learning programming or the experts who are seeking feedback on their projects. As you know, you can share your code on GitHub and announce it on Twitter but if you have fewer followers then it is obvious that you won’t get the most feedback, so we want this platform not to discriminate against anyone based on their followers or anything like that. We made this platform targeting every programmer where they can share their projects, gain feedback from different developers and also collaborate with others. Our main intention is to help developers or beginners doing the #100DaysOfCode challenge.
– by Vindicators
You can read more about the project and the various features they have implemented here.
Focusi, A Pomodoro Timer, by Beluga the Hackers
Focusi is a Pomodoro timer built for codedamn hackfest. It’s a very user-friendly and customizable Pomodoro timer that works on desktop & mobile browsers. The aim of this app is to help you focus on tasks you are working on, like studying, writing, or coding. This app is inspired by Pomodoro Technique which is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo.
It was made by my team of three Indian brothers Piyush Panpaliya (Frontend developer), PranayBagde (UI/UX Designer) and Anurag Kumar (Backend developer).
– by Beluga the Hackers
You can read more about the project and the various features they have implemented here.
Speech Docs – Interact with Documents, by Triology
From School students to university students and to working professionals everyone has their daily dependencies on word documents. These documents can be used to convey their ideas, projects or even sometimes take notes. Keyboard and mice are useful for most but there are some individuals who have unsupportable conditions such as Arthritis in the hand, Parkinson’s, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, or Essential Tremor for which the keyboard is painful.
To solve this problem we come up with a solution Speech docs. Speech docs aim to solve such problems by enabling only voice to interact with the documents. Users can give commands by their voice to perform many operations such as create, open, write, replace words, etc.
– by Triology
You can read more about the project and the various features they have implemented here.
A hearty congratulations to all the winners. Your prizes are on the way! ?
And kudos to all the participants! I can tell you that it was a close call among the top 10! Thank you so much for participating in the first edition of Hackfest and making it an absolute success!
To anyone reading this who wanted to participate, fret not, we will have a lot of hackathons in the future! And with even more prizes! To keep yourself updated, head over to your dashboard and keep an eye out for the latest events.
If you are new to all of this, just know that hackathons are a great way to:
- Just start building things
- Pick a new tech stack, very quickly
- Impress recruiters and yourself
- Learn to work in a team
And yes beginners can do it. If you are getting started with your Web Development journey and want to build a lot of stuff because your mind is brimming with ideas, check out our full-stack learning path.
You will have an awesome experience guided by lectures from our experts and hands-on practice writing code and not getting bogged down by theory. We have an in-house collaborative coding setup, free-to-use for all. You know, a full-fledged Linux environment, available at a URL from any device in the world (basically, deployed), synced to the cloud, and the whole shebang! We call it playgrounds. You can check it out today, even if you just want to try one out. It really is free for all. There is no catch, I promise!
In the meantime, learn to code like it’s 2030! Get out of the tutorial hell and sign up now if you haven’t done so already!
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