Creating an interactive course on codedamn – A complete guide

Codedamn is a coding ed-tech platform that aims to democratize interactive learning. For the longest time, if you wanted to create an interactive course, you’d have to build a full platform from scratch. This is time-consuming, involves a lot of engineering and has a very low RoI at an individual creator level.

After building multiple interactive courses on our own, we’re opening it to selected creators in beta to create courses on Python, Node.js, React, Git and more. This guide would serve as a handbook to learn to create a fully interactive course on codedamn and would be regularly updated. This will be a multi-blog series to write digestible information per article.

Chapter 1 (currently reading): Introduction to codedamn creator panel
Chapter 2: Getting started with your first interactive course
Chapter 3: Building an interactive lab course item

What is the difference between a course created on codedamn and a YouTube / Teachable / Udemy / Podia course?

Codedamn is built from the ground up geared specifically for programming courses. Codedamn is NOT just a video-course hosting platform (although you can use it like that if you want)

Here are a few solid differences that you would feel when building a course on codedamn compared to other platforms:

Interactive exercises: Let’s say you are building a course on Node.js + MongoDB. A simple YouTube playlist will only allow you to upload a video recording for the concept.
On codedamn, however, you can build a fully interactive and evaluative lab for authentication with Node.js + MongoDB running inside the browser. Here’s a quick example for that.

Opt-in for codedamn promotion: If you’re a creator who wants to get more traffic to your newly launched courses, our core team will help drive traffic to your course via our main site, our YouTube channel and our paid marketing efforts.

Completely free to use: We don’t make money until you do. Our monetary model does not include upfront payments from creators. If anything, we’re currently experimenting with onboarding creator bonus ($$$$) for rewarding creators to join codedamn.

Can I see a course example?


Here’s an interactive Tailwind CSS course (demo:

Here’s a free HTML + CSS interactive course

How to sign up as a content creator?

Currently, the codedamn creator panel to create interactive courses is invite-only. If you believe you can contribute to one of the learning paths of codedamn, write an email to mehul [at] and let’s talk.

That’s all for this guide. Keep reading for the next chapters:

Chapter 1 (currently reading): Introduction to codedamn creator panel
Chapter 2: Getting started with your first interactive course
Chapter 3: Building an interactive lab course item

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