Top React Native UI Libraries to use in 2022

Top React Native UI Libraries to use in 2022

We’ll go over the most popular React Native UI component libraries for web developers in this article. Let’s start by defining what React Native is. Facebook built React Native in order to speed up and lower the cost of developing mobile apps. React Native is undeniably one of the greatest choices for building cross-platform mobile apps right now.

What is the difference between a React Native UI component and a React Native UI component?

A React Native UI Component is a mobile application element that may be reused multiple times and is segregated from other elements. It could, for example, be a button for purchasing a product or subscribing to a service.

What are the benefits of using the React Native UI component library?

React Native, like React, encourages you to construct your UI with independent components. Using a pre-made set of components, React Native UI Component libraries and UI toolkits let you save time and build your applications faster.

The React Native UI Kit is a fantastic tool. It’s essentially a collection of pre-made UI pieces (and sometimes APIs) that you can use to build your program. As a result, an MVP project can be released in a matter of weeks, allowing you to focus on the business logic rather than the interface components.

UI Components for React Native

Let’s continue with our collection of React Native UI components.

React Native Elements 

It is a cross-platform React Native UI toolkit that combines a collection of fantastic open-source UI components created by developers. “The concept of React Native Elements is more about component structure than real design,” the library’s creators explain. “This means minimal boilerplate in setting up particular elements but full control over their design.” This appears to be appealing to both new and experienced developers.

Pricing, badges, overlays, dividers, and platform-specific search bars are among the components included in the bundle. They’re simple to use and highly customizable. All of the component props are described in one central area, making it simple to edit or modify the components.

Key features include an all-in-one UI kit, which supports iOS and Android devices, as well as Expo, documentation that is comprehensive.

Small elements such as avatars, buttons, form elements, icons, typography, and sliders. Pricing, rating, card, search bar, checkbox, and list items are all complex elements.


NativeBase is a collection of cross-platform React Native components that may be used to start creating your app. The components are made with React Native and some JavaScript functionality, with characteristics that may be customized. NativeBase is completely free and open-source, with over 12,000 stars on GitHub.

NativeBase allows you to use any native third-party libraries right out of the box. The project is surrounded by a large ecosystem, which includes everything from helpful startup kits to configurable theme templates. The template operates as a wrapper around most native React components (such as buttons, text fields, views, keyboard views, list views, and so on) and improves them by providing extra functionality (e.g. rounded corners, shadows, etc).

What it has to offer:

  • Component style is simple;
  • Components come in a variety of shapes and sizes;
  • Use any third-party libraries that are native to your platform;
  • Custom components can be imported.
  • A component structure that is intuitive;
  • Platform, Material, and CommonColor are three pre-set themes.

Lottie Wrapper for React Native

Lottie is a mobile library that natively parses Adobe After Effects animations. BodyMovin, an After Effects addon, exports animation data in JSON format, which is how it works. To render animations on the web, this plugin comes with a JS player.

The Lottie libraries and plugins are free to use. You may also use the animation files from the curated collection to make your apps more appealing and engaging. Because the animation files are minimal and in vector format, they will have no effect on the performance of your program. At the same time, it can liven up your user interface and make it more pleasant to the eye.

React Native Vector Icons

This package is essentially a set of React Native icons that support NavBar/TabBar/ToolbarAndroid, image source, and complete style. The library comes with pre-made packed icon sets, and below are full samples of all the icons available.

TabBar and Toolbar Android are supported, as well as the image source and multi-style font. It creates an animated component by mixing React Native’s animation library with an icon.

React Native Gifted Chat

React-native-gifted-chat includes fully customizable components like multiline text input, avatars, clipboard copying, and attachment options. It offers fully customizable components that help load previous messages, copies messages to clipboards, and more. It was written in TypeScript. There’s also an InputToolbar that allows users to avoid using the keyboard.

It supports Avatar as user initials, localized dates, multi-line TextInput, quick reply messages (bot), and system messages to improve the user experience. There’s also Redux support.

React Native Mapview

React Native Mapview is a React Native component library that includes map components for Android and iOS. Common map features (such as markers and polygons) are supplied as children of the Mapview component in this section.

You have a number of options for customizing the map look. On Google Maps, you’ll be able to adjust the map view, monitor regions/locations, and make points of interest clickable. You may zoom in on specific markers or coordinates and even make their animation. Mapview may use the Animated API to manipulate the map’s center and zoom if you provide it with an animated region value. Default markers will be rendered unless you specify specific markers.

UI Kitten – React Native UI Library 

The Eva Design system is implemented in React Native with the React Native UI Kitten. It comes with a set of roughly 20 general-purpose components that are all styled in the same way to ensure a consistent look. There are also a number of stand-alone components available. The library is based on the Eva Design System, which includes a set of general-purpose UI components with comparable styling.

Style definitions are kept apart from business logic in UI Kitten. The UI elements are all fashioned the same way. This is analogous to CSS, which separates style classes from the code.


Shoutem is an app-building platform that works using extensions or modular building blocks, similar to how you might build a website with WordPress plugins. Photo and video galleries, products, events, restaurant menus, and more extensions are available.

Shoutem provides statistics, user authentication, layouts, push alerts, and other mobile back-end services. You can also utilize and personalize a variety of well-coded themes.

This open-source user interface toolkit aids in the creation of professional-looking solutions. Each component has a distinct style that may be mixed and matched with others. These prefabricated components are attractive, however, they appear to be skewed toward iOS design rules. It also has basic Animation, which can be used in conjunction with its own UI tools and themes to create great React Native applications.

Key features:

  • 20+ UI components
  • Variety of app themes
  • Parallax effects
  • Transition animations
  • Large extension library
  • React Native Material Kit

Buttons, cards, range sliders, and text fields are all included in the React Native Material Kit. Spinners and progress bars for loading are also present, as are toggles for switches, radio buttons, and checkboxes.

React Native Material Kit is more well-maintained than other React Native UI kits and provides a complete Material Design solution for the UI. Even an iOS smartphone, it performs admirably by emulating the Android user interface. It does include an API that you may use to create your own custom components.

Material Design-based components; dynamic components not found in other frameworks; advanced API for creating bespoke components.

Material Kit React Native

Kit of Materials With the Galio framework, React Native provides a free native app template with Material Design. It’s simple to use, with more than a hundred handcrafted features such as buttons, cards, navigation, and inputs. By changing the theme, all components can take on color variants. There are also five customized plugins and five example pages included.


  • Built over
  • 200 handcrafted elements
  • Five customized plugins
  • Five example pages


We’ve hand-picked the best React Native UI Kits on the market for you. In the first section, the most advanced solutions are provided, such as the React Native Starter Kit or NativeBase. In the second section, we’ve gathered projects that can be useful additions to your existing project.

All of these tools make your development go much more quickly and easily. Before deciding on the appropriate library for your project, we recommend that you conduct your own research. This way, you’ll be able to choose which option best suits your project and needs.

This was all about the UI in React js. If you have any query related to React or JavaScript, do drop it down in the comment section also do check out codedamn courses if you want to learn more about JavaScript and React with its use cases and amazing projects. They also have an in-built playground for different programming languages and environment sets so do check that out and join codedamn’s community

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