Best Udemy alternative for instructors

Udemy is a good platform to host your content. However, it comes with certain drawbacks and pointers that might make it undesirable for you to host a coding course on Udemy.

In this article, I want to list down what exactly is wrong with Udemy, and one solid alternative to Udemy you should consider today if you’re trying to maximize your sales and reach. Let us discuss a few drawbacks with Udemy.

Why you should not use Udemy?

On the surface, it makes sense to use a platform like Udemy because of its popularity. But when you dig deep, Udemy has multiple issues.

Udemy is not built for coding courses

Udemy is a video hosting platform. They do not support the infrastructure for coding courses for tomorrow. Consider platforms like Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, Treehouse, etc. These are the platforms you’re competing against, whenever you roll out a coding course.

These platforms are highly interactive in nature, support hands-on practice, have a huge audience base, and most importantly these platforms are coding-focused.

When you host a course on Udemy, you get nothing except video-hosting (which you can also get via platforms like Teachable at a much cheaper cost).

Udemy does not incentivize hands-on practice

If you choose a platform like codedamn for hosting courses, you would realize that you are incentivized more to create more interactive labs (we pay more for hands-on labs than videos or quizzes).

On the other hand, Udemy follows no such incentivization model.

For Udemy, your best course would be a speck of dust

Udemy already has thousands of courses, and they have chosen their best instructors which they advertise for and market their courses. Your course is unlikely to receive much organic traffic. Unless you have a strong audience on YouTube or other platforms, you’re unlikely to make money from Udemy.

The best alternative to Udemy for hosting coding course

If you’re looking to build coding courses, there is no better way available today than codedamn. Codedamn allows you to build coding courses that are:

  1. Highly interactive in nature. You get to include interactive hands-on labs and projects in your courses.
  2. Ability to send announcements to your enrolled students at scale.
  3. Ability to earn up to 97% from direct course sales as well as through Pro memberships.
  4. Built for coding courses only – projects, labs, quizzes, and videos – all optimized for your coding courses.
  5. Ability to get your courses featured inside learning paths – the most popular roadmap collection from codedamn.
  6. Free marketing from codedamn team for your course, ensuring maximum enrollments and purchases with minimum effort from your end.

How can I create interactive labs on codedamn?

We have the world-class infrastructure for you to build and host interactive coding labs on codedamn.

In order to get started, choose your technology and go through the documentation for it:

How to get started with codedamn as an instructor?

In order to get started, follow the following steps:

You can set your own course prices

Currently, you can set your course on tier-based pricing. This is because we correctly show prices in over 50+ currencies and countries for your courses, which is not possible if you manually provide a price number.

You can keep your course in any of the available pricing tiers.

How much can I earn?

Virtually unlimited. This is because we do not cap your earnings. You can make as many course sales as you want.

We’ll further amplify your revenue through codedamn Pro. Pro members accessing your course would automatically result in revenue shared to you.

How will I get payments?

  • If you’re based in India, we can do a direct bank transfer. When you select India as your country in your account settings, you will see information to add your bank account details.
  • If you’re a non-India-based resident, we can send your payments via PayPal. Unfortunately, if PayPal is not supported in your country (like Syria), we cannot process payouts to you as of now.

Start building interactive courses today

It’s time to build interactive coding courses. At codedamn, we help you build and deliver the best possible coding courses. Start here today.

You should also join codedamn creator discord server to stay in touch with other creators.

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