What are Vue Lifecycle Hooks

What are Vue Lifecycle Hooks

Hello, fellow coder! If you're here on codedamn, it means you're someone who's passionate about coding and hungry for knowledge. Today, we're about to make a deep dive into the world of Vue.js, specifically focusing on the concept of lifecycle hooks. These hooks are an essential part of Vue, providing you with a way to run your code at specific stages in a component's lifecycle.

What are Vue Lifecycle Hooks?

In Vue.js, lifecycle hooks are a cornerstone concept that every developer should thoroughly understand. These are essentially special methods that allow you to execute your custom logic at different stages of a Vue instance's lifecycle – from creation to destruction.

They are akin to events, but rather than being tied to user interactions, these lifecycle hooks are tied to the Vue component's lifecycle itself. They provide a clear overview of what's happening behind the scenes as your Vue application gets created, updated, and eventually destroyed.

While this might sound a bit abstract now, let's break it down into the different lifecycle stages – creation, mounting, updating, and destruction. Each of these stages has corresponding lifecycle hooks that can be leveraged to add your own custom behavior.

Creation Hooks

The creation stage is where it all begins. This is the point where a new Vue instance gets set up, and it involves two lifecycle hooks – beforeCreate and created.

The beforeCreate hook is the very first to be called in the lifecycle. When this hook is called, Vue instance has just been initialized. This means that the options have been merged into the instance, but reactive data and events are yet to be set up, and neither are the template or render functions compiled.

new Vue({ beforeCreate: function () { console.log('This is beforeCreate hook being executed.') } })

The created hook, on the other hand, is called immediately after the instance has been created. At this stage, the instance's data and events have already been initialized, but the $el property is not yet available because the Vue instance's template has neither been mounted nor rendered.

new Vue({ data: { message: 'Hello Vue!' }, created: function () { console.log(this.message) } })

Understanding these hooks is crucial as they allow you to perform setup tasks early in the lifecycle, even before the component's template is rendered for the first time.

Mounting Hooks

The mounting phase is all about rendering the template into the DOM. This phase involves two key lifecycle hooks – beforeMount and mounted.

The beforeMount hook is triggered after the template or render function has been compiled, but before the component has been mounted into the DOM. This hook provides an opportunity to perform actions right before the initial render happens.

new Vue({ template: '<div>{{ msg }}</div>', beforeMount: function () { console.log(`this.$el is yet to be initialized:`, this.$el) } })

Contrarily, the mounted hook is called after the component has been mounted into the DOM. This is the point where the component's template has been rendered and replaced the mount point in the DOM. If you need to interact with the DOM or execute any post-mount operations, the mounted hook is the right place for it.

new Vue({ template: '<div>{{ msg }}</div>', mounted: function () { console.log(`this.$el has been initialized:`, this.$el.textContent) } })

Update Hooks

As your Vue.js application runs, data changes are bound to happen. The update stage is all about dealing with these changes. The hooks involved in this stage are beforeUpdate and updated.

The beforeUpdate hook is triggered when a change in data leads to the component's template being re-rendered and patched. However, the DOM hasn't been updated at this point, which makes this hook a good place to work with the existing DOM before an update, such as removing manually added event listeners.

new Vue({ data: { message: 'Hello Vue!' }, beforeUpdate: function () { console.log('Data is about to update!') } })

The updated hook gets called after the component's template has been re-rendered and updated. Do note that this hook isn't called when the component is first rendered – it's only triggered upon subsequent re-renders.

new Vue({ data: { message: 'Hello Vue!' }, updated: function () { console.log('Data has been updated!') } })

Destruction Hooks

Lastly, we have the destruction stage, which involves the beforeDestroy and destroyed hooks. These hooks are invoked when your Vue instance or component is about to be destroyed and after it has been destroyed, respectively.

The beforeDestroy hook is called right before the Vue instance is destroyed. At this stage, the instance is still fully functional, which means this hook is an ideal place to perform any cleanup operations, like stopping timers or cancelling network requests.

new Vue({ data: { message: 'Hello Vue!' }, beforeDestroy: function () { console.log('Vue instance is about to be destroyed') } })

The destroyed hook, on the other hand, is called after a Vue instance has been destroyed. At this point in the lifecycle, all directives of the Vue instance have been unbound and all event listeners have been removed.

new Vue({ data: { message: 'Hello Vue!' }, destroyed: function () { console.log('Vue instance has been destroyed') } })


When should I use lifecycle hooks?

Lifecycle hooks are a powerful tool for adding custom behavior to your Vue instances or components at different stages of their lifecycle. They're particularly useful for things like fetching data from an API, cleaning up before a component is destroyed, or reacting to changes in props or data.

Can I use lifecycle hooks in Vue 3?

Yes, Vue 3 supports lifecycle hooks, but with few differences. For example, instead of beforeCreate and created, we use setup. The destroyed hook is replaced by unmounted.

Where can I learn more about Vue lifecycle hooks?

The official Vue.js guide is a great resource to learn more about lifecycle hooks and their usage. You can find it here.


Understanding and using Vue lifecycle hooks effectively can significantly enhance the quality of your Vue.js applications. They provide a way to organize your code and to ensure that certain operations are performed at the correct stage in a component's lifecycle. So, the next time you're working on a Vue.js project, don't forget to harness the power of these hooks. Happy coding!

I hope you now have a solid understanding of Vue Lifecycle Hooks. For more Vue.js content and learning, stay tuned to codedamn!

That's it for this in-depth exploration of Vue.js lifecycle hooks. I hope you found this information valuable and will be able to apply it effectively in your future Vue.js projects. Remember, while these hooks may seem complex at first, they're there to help you manage the behavior of your Vue.js applications more effectively. Always keep experimenting and happy coding! I'll see you in the next post on codedamn!

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