Tablespaces in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL, an advanced open-source relational database, has several features that make it a go-to choice for many developers and businesses. One of these features is the concept of “Tablespaces”. A tablespace in PostgreSQL is essentially a location on disk where data files will be stored. It gives developers and database administrators (DBAs) more control over the physical storage of data, which is crucial for optimizing database performance, handling large datasets, and managing backups and data recovery. In this blog, we will dive into the concept of tablespaces, discuss their uses, learn how to create them, and manage them in PostgreSQL.

Understanding Tablespaces in PostgreSQL

Before diving into the nuts and bolts of tablespaces, it’s important to understand why we might want to use them. When dealing with large databases, it is common to spread data across multiple disks. This not only helps to handle large amounts of data, but can also significantly improve database performance. PostgreSQL tablespaces allow for this kind of data distribution.

In PostgreSQL, when a database is created, it is assigned to a default tablespace, often the “pg_default” tablespace. But, we can create our own tablespaces on different physical locations and move our data to them. This concept of tablespaces is especially useful in handling tables that are large or frequently accessed, as these tables can be moved to faster or larger storage mediums.

Creating Tablespaces in PostgreSQL

Creating a tablespace in PostgreSQL is a straightforward task. Here is the general syntax:

CREATE TABLESPACE tablespace_name OWNER owner_name LOCATION 'directory';


  • tablespace_name is the name of the tablespace.
  • owner_name is the name of the user who will own the tablespace.
  • directory is the directory path where the tablespace data files will be stored.

Here’s an example of how to create a tablespace:

CREATE TABLESPACE my_tablespace OWNER myuser LOCATION '/var/lib/postgresql/data/my_tablespace';

Please note that the PostgreSQL server must have the necessary read and write permissions on the directory specified.

Managing Tablespaces

Once we’ve created a tablespace, we can start using it. We can assign a tablespace to a database or a specific table.

Assigning a Tablespace to a Database

Here’s how to create a new database in a specific tablespace:

CREATE DATABASE my_database WITH OWNER = myuser TABLESPACE = my_tablespace;

This will create a new database named ‘my_database’, owned by ‘myuser’, and stored in the ‘my_tablespace’ tablespace.

Assigning a Tablespace to a Table

Alternatively, we can assign a tablespace to a specific table. Here’s how to create a new table in a specific tablespace:

CREATE TABLE my_table (id SERIAL, data TEXT) TABLESPACE my_tablespace;

This will create a new table named ‘my_table’ in the ‘my_tablespace’ tablespace.

Moving Tables Between Tablespaces

If we want to move a table from one tablespace to another, we can use the ALTER TABLE command:

ALTER TABLE my_table SET TABLESPACE new_tablespace;

This will move ‘my_table’ from its current tablespace to ‘new_tablespace’.

Viewing Tablespaces

To see the available tablespaces in our PostgreSQL database, we can use the \db command in the psql command-line interface:


This will show a list of tablespaces along with their owners and locations.

Deleting Tablespaces

When we no longer need a tablespace, we can remove it using theDROP TABLESPACE command:

DROP TABLESPACE my_tablespace;

Please note that a tablespace can only be dropped by its owner or a superuser. Also, the tablespace must be empty of all database objects before it can be dropped.

Altering Tablespaces

PostgreSQL also allows us to rename a tablespace or change its owner using the ALTER TABLESPACE command:

ALTER TABLESPACE my_tablespace RENAME TO new_tablespace_name;
ALTER TABLESPACE my_tablespace OWNER TO new_owner;

The first command renames ‘my_tablespace’ to ‘new_tablespace_name’. The second command changes the owner of ‘my_tablespace’ to ‘new_owner’.

Using Tablespaces for Performance Tuning

We can use tablespaces strategically to improve the performance of our PostgreSQL database. By placing frequently accessed tables on a high-speed disk drive, we can reduce read and write latency, thus improving the overall database performance.

Similarly, we can place large tables that are rarely accessed on slower, high-capacity drives. This can help optimize storage usage while maintaining a high level of performance for the most critical data.

Using Tablespaces for Backup and Recovery

Another important use of tablespaces is in the realm of backup and recovery. By dividing our database across multiple tablespaces, we can backup and restore specific parts of our database without needing to operate on the entire database. This can significantly reduce the time and resources required for backup and recovery operations.


1. What is a PostgreSQL tablespace?

A PostgreSQL tablespace is a location on disk where data files are stored. It provides a way to assign a location to a database or a specific table.

2. Why should I use tablespaces?

Tablespaces allow you to manage the physical storage of data in your PostgreSQL database. You can use tablespaces to distribute your data across multiple disk drives, which can improve database performance and help manage large datasets. Additionally, tablespaces can be useful for backup and recovery operations.

3. How can I create a tablespace?

You can create a tablespace using the CREATE TABLESPACE command. Here’s an example:

CREATE TABLESPACE my_tablespace OWNER myuser LOCATION '/var/lib/postgresql/data/my_tablespace';

4. How can I assign a tablespace to a database or a table?

You can assign a tablespace to a database when creating the database:

CREATE DATABASE my_database WITH OWNER = myuser TABLESPACE = my_tablespace;

You can also assign a tablespace to a table when creating the table:

CREATE TABLE my_table (id SERIAL, data TEXT) TABLESPACE my_tablespace;

5. How can I view the tablespaces in my PostgreSQL database?

You can view the tablespaces in your PostgreSQL database using the \db command in the psql command-line interface.

6. How can I delete a tablespace?

You can delete a tablespace using the DROP TABLESPACE command. The tablespace must be empty before it can be dropped.

DROP TABLESPACE my_tablespace;

By understanding and using tablespaces effectively, you can optimize your PostgreSQL database performance and manage your data more efficiently. The ability to control where your data resides on disk gives you a powerful tool for managing your database.

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