Locking in SQL

In the world of databases, particularly SQL, we often come across scenarios where we have multiple users or processes trying to read and write data concurrently. This can lead to a host of problems, including inconsistent reads, lost updates, and phantom reads, among others. Enter Locking, one of the mechanisms SQL databases use to maintain data integrity and consistency when multiple processes are interacting with the same set of data concurrently. In this blog, we're going to dive deep into Locking in SQL, understand what it is, why it is important, and how to use it effectively.

What is Locking in SQL?

Locking is a mechanism in SQL that is used to prevent users from reading data that's currently being modified or to prevent modification of data that's currently being read. In short, it is a method to handle the concurrent access of data in SQL databases.

Consider the analogy of a library. If someone is reading a book (data), no one else should be able to modify it (write or update). Similarly, if someone is writing or updating a book, no one else should be able to read it until it's back on the shelf (commit transaction).

Let's understand this concept with the help of SQL.

-- Start a transaction BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- Lock a row in the employees table SELECT * FROM employees WITH (HOLDLOCK, ROWLOCK) WHERE EmployeeID = 1; -- Perform some operation on the locked row UPDATE employees SET Salary = 5000 WHERE EmployeeID = 1; -- End the transaction COMMIT;

In the above SQL Server example, we've locked a row in the employees table where EmployeeID is 1. Any other transaction trying to modify or read this row will have to wait until our transaction is completed.

Different Types of Locks

There are mainly two types of locks in SQL: shared locks and exclusive locks. Let's discuss them in detail.

Shared Locks

Shared locks are applied when a transaction is simply reading data and not modifying it. Multiple shared locks can be on the same data item at the same time, meaning multiple transactions can read the same data concurrently.

-- Start a transaction BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- Apply a shared lock on a row SELECT * FROM employees WITH (HOLDLOCK, ROWLOCK) WHERE EmployeeID = 1; -- End the transaction COMMIT;

In the above example, a shared lock is applied on a row in the employees table where EmployeeID is 1. This lock will prevent any exclusive lock from being acquired on the same row until it's released.

Exclusive Locks

Exclusive locks are applied when a transaction is modifying data (i.e., during an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation). Only one exclusive lock can be on a data item at any given time, and no other locks (shared or exclusive) can be acquired on the same data item.

-- Start a transaction BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- Apply an exclusive lock on a row and update it UPDATE employees WITH (ROWLOCK) SET Salary = 5000 WHERE EmployeeID = 1; -- End the transaction COMMIT;

In the above example, an exclusive lock is applied on a row in the employees table where EmployeeID is 1. This lock will prevent any other transaction from reading or modifying this row until it's released.

Locking Granularity

Locking granularity refers to the size or extent of data that a lock covers. SQL Server supports several levels of lock granularity, including row locks, page locks, and table locks.

Row Locks

Row locks are the finest level of locking granularity in SQL and are applied on individual rowswithin a table. These are very precise but can consume significant system resources if a large amount of data is being locked at the row level.

-- Apply a row lock on a single row BEGIN TRANSACTION; UPDATE employees WITH (ROWLOCK) SET Salary = 5000 WHERE EmployeeID = 1; COMMIT;

In the above example, a row lock is applied on a row in the employees table where EmployeeID is 1.

Page Locks

Page locks are a middle-ground approach where a lock is applied to a 'page' of rows instead of individual rows or the entire table. A page is a unit of storage in SQL Server, usually 8 KB in size, that can contain multiple rows depending on their size.

-- Apply a page lock on a page containing a specific row BEGIN TRANSACTION; UPDATE employees WITH (PAGLOCK) SET Salary = 5000 WHERE EmployeeID = 1; COMMIT;

In the above example, a page lock is applied on the page containing the row where EmployeeID is 1.

Table Locks

Table locks are the coarsest level of locking granularity and involve locking the entire table. These are resource-friendly but can drastically reduce concurrency, as no other transaction can access the table until the lock is released.

-- Apply a table lock on the entire table BEGIN TRANSACTION; UPDATE employees WITH (TABLOCK) SET Salary = 5000 WHERE EmployeeID = 1; COMMIT;

In the above example, a table lock is applied on the entire employees table.

Locking and Performance

While locking ensures data consistency and integrity during concurrent transactions, it can impact the performance of the database.

  1. Deadlocks: A deadlock occurs when two transactions mutually hold and request for locks that the other has, creating a standstill. SQL Server includes a deadlock monitor that periodically checks for deadlock situations and terminates one of the transactions to break the deadlock.
  2. Lock Escalation: SQL Server automatically escalates locks from finer to coarser granularity if a transaction is excessively locking resources at a lower level. While this helps to conserve system resources, it may reduce concurrency and increase blocking.
  3. Blocking: Blocking occurs when a transaction holds a lock and another transaction requests for the same lock. The second transaction has to wait, or "blocks," until the first one releases the lock.

Locking Best Practices

  1. Keep transactions short and fast: The longer a transaction takes, the longer it will hold locks, leading to increased chances of deadlocks and blocks.
  2. Access objects in the same order: Deadlocks can be avoided by ensuring that all transactions access objects in the same order.
  3. Be mindful of lock escalation: If you're dealing with a large number of row or page locks, SQL Server may escalate these to a table lock. Monitor and tune your queries to prevent excessive lock escalation.


1. What is a lock in SQL?

A lock in SQL is a mechanism that prevents users from reading data that's being modified or from modifying data that's currently being read. It's used to handle concurrent access of data in SQL databases.

2. What are the types of locks in SQL?

The two main types of locks in SQL are shared locks and exclusive locks. Shared locks are used when a transaction is reading data, while exclusive locks are used when a transaction is modifying data.

3. What is the purpose of a lock in SQL?

The purpose of a lock in SQL is to maintain data integrity and consistency when multiple processes are interacting with the same data concurrently. It prevents problems such as inconsistent reads,lost updates, and phantom reads.

4. How do I handle deadlocks in SQL?

SQL Server automatically detects deadlocks and terminates one of the transactions to break the deadlock. However, it's best to prevent deadlocks by keeping transactions short and fast, accessing objects in the same order, and not holding onto locks for longer than necessary.

5. How does lock escalation impact the performance of SQL Server?

Lock escalation, where SQL Server automatically escalates finer granularity locks to coarser ones, can impact performance. It can lead to reduced concurrency and increased blocking, as a coarser lock restricts more data from being accessed. However, lock escalation is a mechanism to prevent excessive system resource consumption by a large number of finer granularity locks.

6. Can multiple shared locks exist on the same data item at the same time?

Yes, multiple shared locks can exist on the same data item at the same time. This means that multiple transactions can read the same data concurrently. However, a shared lock will prevent any exclusive lock from being acquired on the same data item.

7. Can an exclusive lock coexist with a shared lock on the same data item?

No, an exclusive lock cannot coexist with a shared lock on the same data item. An exclusive lock ensures that no other transaction can read or modify the data item until the exclusive lock is released.

Locking is a crucial concept in SQL Server to ensure data integrity and consistency during concurrent access. While it can impact performance, understanding how locks work and using best practices can help maintain a balance between data consistency and system performance.

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