How many types of operators are there in python?

You have probably heard of the Python language and its many powerful features. However, you may not know that there are also several types of operators in Python. Further, You will learn how they can be used in our code.
Python offers a range of operator types. that You can use to perform various operations. Further, they help to manipulate and process data in a program.
What is a Python Operator?
An operator is a symbol that tells the computer to perform a specific operation. Operators are used in expressions and statements. Thus, they can be manipulated by mathematical operators (+), comparison operators (==), relational operators, logical operators (AND, OR) and more.
Operators play a role in determining the order of evaluation for expressions by following precedence rules. This means that certain forms of expression will be evaluated before others, depending on their order in the code.
Different Types of Python Operators?
As mentioned earlier, the following Python operators are used to perform calculations and assign values:
- Arithmetic Operators- They are used to perform mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
- (- )Subtracts one number from another.
- (/,//) Divides one number by another.
- (*) multiply the given numbers
- Assignment Operators—Assigns the value of the variable to a variable or constant. If the object or memory location is given as a left operand, otherwise return None.
- Comparison Operators-Comparison operators are used to compare two values and return a Boolean result (
).- == Equal operator: checks whether two operands are equal (same type), not necessarily their value.
- Greater than operator: checks whether the first operand is greater than the second operand (of different types).
- (>=)Greater than or equal operator: checks whether the first operand is greater and equal to the second one.
- (<=)Less than or equal operator: checks whether the first operand is less and equal to the second one.
Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations on variables. The following are examples of arithmetic operators in Python.
- + Addition operator
- – Subtraction operator
- * Multiplication operator (the asterisk symbol)
Modulus (remainder of a division)**
Floor division
result = operand1 operator operand2
Code language: Python (python)
x = 10
y = 5
print(x + y)
print(x - y)
print(x * y)
print(x / y)
print(x % y)
print(x ** y)
print(x // y)
Code language: Python (python)
Code language: Python (python)
Assignment Operators
Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. They always evaluate to False. You can use them with any value.
The assignment operators = are the most commonly used operators in Python. Because it’s very simple to understand how they work. The left side is equal to the right side of = assignment. So if you have two variables on either side of an equal sign. Then those variables will have been set equal.
for a simple assignment+=
for addition assignment-=
for subtraction assignment*=
for multiplication assignment/=
for division assignment%=
for modulus assignment**=
for assignment exponentiation//=
for assignment of floor division
variable = value
Code language: Python (python)
x = 10
y = 5
# Simple assignment
x = y
# Addition assignment
x += y
# Subtraction assignment
x -= y
# Multiplication assignment
x *= y
# Division assignment
x /= y
# Modulus assignment
x %= y
# Exponentiation assignment
x **= y
# Floor division assignment
x //= y
Code language: Python (python)
Code language: Python (python)
Comparison operators
These operators are used to compare two operands. They return a Boolean value. Although, there are six comparison operators in Python:
- Equal to (==): To check whether two values are equivalent. you can use the == operator.
- Not equal to (!=): The != operator checks if its operand is not equal to the other.
- Greater than (>), less than (=): Similarly, you can use the >, = operators. if you want your result to be greater than or less than another value.
x = 5
y = 10
print(x == y)
print(x != y)
print(x > y)
print(x <= y)
Code language: Python (python)
Code language: Python (python)
Logical operators
To manipulate boolean values in Python Logical operators are used. They are:
- And – Returns true if both inputs are true. otherwise returns false.
- Or – Returns true if either of the inputs is true. otherwise returns false.
- Not – Negates a boolean value
a = True
b = False
# Check if a and b are both True
print(a and b)
# Check if a or b is True
print(a or b)
# Check if a is not True
print(not a)
Code language: Python (python)
Code language: Python (python)
Identity operators
In Python, identity operators are used to check if two things are equal.
Identity operators in Python are: == and is.
The == operator checks if the value on both sides of an expression is equal. If they are, then the result will also be true.
x = [1, 2, 3]
y = [1, 2, 3]
z = x
# Check if x and y are the same object
print(x == y) # False
# Check if x and z are the same object
print(x is z) # True
# Check if x and y are not the same object
print(x is not y) # True
Code language: Python (python)
Code language: Python (python)
Membership operators
Membership operators are used in Python to check if a value is inside a sequence or not.
The in-operator checks if a value is inside a sequence. If it is, then the result will be true. The not-in operator checks if a value isn’t inside a sequence. If it isn’t, then the result will be true as well.
x = [1, 2, 3]
y = 2
# Check if y is in x
print(y in x)
# Check if y is not in x
print(y not in x)
Code language: Python (python)
Code language: Python (python)
Bitwise operators
Operators such as Bitwise, perform bitwise operations on numbers by working on individual bits within the number. Therefore, they can effectively change the value of a number by manipulating its bits.
For example, you might want to turn all 0s into 1s or all 1s into 0s. Such as converting a string like “1 2 3” into “0001”.
p = 5 # 101
q = 3 # 011
print(p & q)
# OR
print(p | q)
print(p ^ q)
# left shift
print(p << 1)
# right shift
print(p >> 1)
Code language: Python (python)
Code language: Python (python)
Precedence and Associativity of Operators
- Precedence: The operators with higher precedence are evaluated first. Then those with lower precedence. The following expressions are evaluated in this order:
- 5 + 6 – 4 (with right-to-left associativity)
- (5 + 6 – 4) * 7 (with left-to-right associativity)
- Associativity: Operators have to be performed in a specific order based on what they’re doing to form an expression. If you mix them up, your code will not work properly. Such as:
x + y
is correct because x and y are both integers. So, their addition operator (+) would take place before the multiplication operator (*). However, if we tried to add something likex+y+z
instead, then we would get an error message. Stating that the expression has no operands for the operator+
Python operators follow the PEMDAS rule. Associativity in every row will be from left to right.
operators(PAMDAS rule) | Precedence order |
() | Highest |
** | |
~ + -(Unary operators) | |
* / % // | |
+ – | |
>> << | |
& | |
^ | | |
is is not in not in <= < > >= == != | |
if-else lambda | |
= += -= *= /= | Lowest and Right-left associativity |
Lets me show some examples to show the precedence and associativity in python:
# Precedence-arithmetic operators
x = 2 + 3 * 4
y = (2 + 3) * 4
# Precedence-bitwise and logical operators
x = True and False or True
y = True or False and False
# Associativity-exponentiation operator
x = 2 ** 3 ** 2
y = (2 ** 3) ** 2
# Associativity-assignment operator
x = y = z = 0 # x, y, and z are all set to 0
Code language: Python (python)
14, 20
True, True
512, 64
0, 0
Code language: Python (python)
You should always use parentheses to explicitly specify the order of operations. Especially when working with complex expressions.
Division operators in Python
Python has two division operators: /
and //
Float division
The /
operator performs floating-point division.
Integer Division(Floor division)
The //
operator performs integer division (also known as floor division).
#dividor operator
x = 123/5
y = 123//5
print(x,",", y)
Code language: Python (python)
24.6, 24
Code language: Python (python)
Ternary operators in Python
Ternary operators are a shorthand way to write an if
statement in a single line of code. They are also known as conditional expressions. In Python, this operator takes x if condition else y
. where x
and y
are values and condition
is a boolean expression. If the given condition
is True
, the expression evaluates to x
, otherwise, y
Let me show you an example of using a ternary operator:
x = 5
y = 10
max_val = x if x > y else y
Code language: Python (python)
Code language: Python (python)
Simple Using ternary operators
To use the ternary in Python, we can either use the direct or the tuple method. By showing some more methods, below illustrates how to use ternary operators effectively.
Direct Method
The direct method involves using the ternary operator directly in an if-else
statement. Although, you can use the ternary operator directly in a print statement. Like this:
x = 5
y = 10
print("x is larger" if x > y else "y is larger")
Code language: Python (python)
y is larger
Code language: Python (python)
Using Tuples
Further, you can also use ternary operators with tuples to return multiple values. It involves using the ternary operator to return a tuple. Which is then unpacked using the tuple
m = 5
n = 10
ans = (m, n) if m > n else (n, m)
Code language: Python (python)
(10, 5)
Code language: Python (python)
Using Dictionary
Additionally, Ternary operators can also be applied to dictionaries to return various values by utilizing them.
p = 12
q = 10
res = {True: p, False: q}[p > q]
Code language: Python (python)
Code language: Python (python)
Using Lambda
Ternary operators also use lambda functions to return answers. For example:
x = 5
y = 10
result = (lambda: x, lambda: y)[x > y]()
Code language: Python (python)
Code language: Python (python)
Nested if-else operators can be expressed using ternary operators
You know that nested if
statements can be applied using ternary operators. To do this, you can nest ternary operators inside each other.
p = 5
q = 10
r = 15
result = p if p > q else q if q > r else r
Code language: Python (python)
Code language: Python (python)
In this example, the outer ternary operator compares p and q. the inner ternary operator compares q and r. Hence, the value of the result
is the largest of the three numbers.
To use the print function in the ternary operator
If you want to use print()
function in a ternary operator, you can simply include it in the expression. like this:
x = 5
y = 10
print("x is larger" if x > y else "y is larger")
Code language: Python (python)
y is larger
Code language: Python (python)
Alternatively, you can store the result of the ternary operator in a variable. then pass that variable to the print()
x = 15
y = 10
result = "x is larger" if x > y else "y is larger"
Code language: Python (python)
x is larger
Code language: Python (python)
Note that the print()
function is a statement in Python, not an expression. It implies that you can’t use this operator as a part of a more complex expression, similar to a ternary operator. Although, you must use it as a standalone statement.
Hence, there are several types of operators in Python, including arithmetic operators, comparison operators, assignment operators, logical operators, and bitwise operators. These operators, each serve a distinct function. They can accomplish a wide range of operations in Python effectively. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Python programmer, understanding the different types of operators and how to use them is an essential skill for writing effective and efficient code.
In this article, we have explained the different types of operators in Python and how to use them. We hope that you got a good understanding of what an “operator” is and how it works in Python.
In my opinion, using these operators helps to write concise and efficient code. They are an essential part of the Python programming language.
We hope that this blog has provided a helpful overview of the different types of operators in Python and that you are now ready to start using these tools in your own Python projects.
What types of Python operators are there?
Python has a number of operators, but the three most commonly used are:
- Binary operators: &&, ||, !.
- Comparison operators: >, >=, <=.
- Logical operators: and, or, not.
Does Python offer a wide range of operators?
Yes, It has a variety of operators to perform various operations.
Python range() Function
The range() function returns a series of numbers that, by default, starts at 0 and increments by 1 before stopping in a given number.
How many operators does Python have?
There are seven different categories of operators in Python: arithmetic, assignment, comparison, logical, identity, membership, and boolean operators.
Python operators: what types are there?
Python has two types of operators, binary and unary. Binary operators have an operand, and unary operators have only one operand. example – unary(!- negation), binary(+,-,*,/).
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