
How to ignore a line of code in eslint?

How to ignore a line of code in eslint?

ESLint is a powerful tool in a developer’s arsenal, aimed at making code more consistent and avoiding bugs. In a dynamic coding environment, like what we experience on codedamn, we often find ourselves bending the rules for various reasons such as experimenting with new features, or perhaps when working with some legacy code that doesn’t adhere to current linting rules. It’s in these situations where the ability to selectively ignore ESLint rules becomes invaluable.

Understanding ESLint Configuration

When working with ESLint, it’s essential to understand its configuration to tailor it to your project’s needs. ESLint configurations are powerful and flexible, allowing teams to enforce a consistent coding style and standards.

Basic Configuration Overview

At the heart of ESLint’s power is its configuration file, commonly named .eslintrc. This JSON or YAML formatted file allows you to define rules, plugins, and other settings for your project. The structure typically consists of env to specify environments like browser or Node.js, extends to inherit configurations, rules to enable or disable specific rules, and globals to declare global variables.

Common ESLint Rules

Some of the common ESLint rules include no-unused-vars to flag variables that are declared but not used, no-console to warn when console statements are used, and eqeqeq which enforces strict equality checking. These rules help maintain a clean, error-free codebase, which is especially beneficial for learners and educators on platforms like codedamn, where clarity and best practices are pivotal.

Ignoring Lines in ESLint

There are instances where you might want to bypass ESLint rules for specific lines in your code. ESLint provides an easy way to do this without turning off the rule for your entire project.

Inline Comments for Single Lines

To ignore a single line, you can use inline comments like // eslint-disable-next-line, which ignores the rules for the next line of code, or // eslint-disable-line, which ignores the rules for the current line.


Here’s how you can use these comments in practice:

console.log('Debug info'); // eslint-disable-line no-console

// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const unusedVariable = 'I will not be flagged by ESLint';

Ignoring Blocks of Code

Sometimes, you may need to ignore several lines of code without littering your code with multiple single-line disable comments.

Block Comments

For this purpose, ESLint supports block comments /* eslint-disable */ to disable all rules for a block of code until /* eslint-enable */ is encountered.

Selective Rule Disabling

You can also selectively disable specific rules for a block by including the rule names after the disable keyword.


Below are examples demonstrating how to apply these block comments:

/* eslint-disable */
console.log('All rules are disabled for this block');
alert('Still no ESLint rules!');
/* eslint-enable */

/* eslint-disable no-alert, no-console */
console.log('No console rule');
alert('No alert rule');
/* eslint-enable no-alert, no-console */

Ignoring entire files in ESLint can be crucial when working on complex projects. Certain files, such as external libraries or generated code, might not adhere to your project’s linting rules, making it necessary to exclude them from linting. Fortunately, ESLint provides straightforward methods to achieve this, ensuring a clean and error-free codebase.

File-Level Comments

One way to ignore files in ESLint is through file-level comments. By placing a specific comment at the top of a file, you can instruct ESLint to skip the entire file. This method is best suited for cases where you need to exclude only a few files, as it requires modifying each file individually. The syntax is simple:

/* eslint-disable */

Adding this line at the beginning of a JavaScript file tells ESLint to ignore the entire file. It’s a quick and easy solution, but might not be scalable for larger projects with many files to exclude.

.eslintignore File

Another, more scalable method is using the .eslintignore file. This special file allows you to list patterns of files and directories that ESLint should ignore. Patterns in .eslintignore follow the same format as in .gitignore, making it familiar for most developers. Here’s how you can use it:

  1. Create a .eslintignore file in your project root.
  2. Add patterns for files or directories to be ignored. For example:

These lines instruct ESLint to ignore all files in the build directory, any file in scripts/third-party, and all files ending with .min.js.


Suppose you have a project with a build directory containing compiled code and a scripts directory with third-party scripts. To ignore these using file-level comments, you’d add /* eslint-disable */ to the top of each file in these directories. Alternatively, you could simply add the following lines to a .eslintignore file:


This would efficiently exclude all files in these directories from linting.

Best Practices

Using eslint-ignore features effectively involves understanding best practices. These practices ensure that ignoring files or lines doesn’t compromise the quality of your code.

When to Ignore

Ignoring files or lines should be an exception, not the norm. Typical scenarios for using eslint-ignore include dealing with third-party code, legacy code that you don’t intend to refactor immediately, or specific code patterns that ESLint cannot correctly understand. Always weigh the consequences of ignoring code against the potential for technical debt.

Commenting Reasons

When you choose to ignore a line or file, document why this decision was made. This can be done through inline comments or documentation. For example:

/* eslint-disable-next-line no-alert */
alert('Example alert'); // Used for critical user alert, refactor pending

These comments are invaluable for future maintainers who might wonder why certain code is excluded from linting.

Avoiding Overuse

Overusing eslint-ignore can lead to a codebase where linting rules are inconsistently applied, reducing the effectiveness of ESLint. Reserve eslint-ignore for cases where it’s absolutely necessary, and regularly review your code to see if previously ignored files or lines can now conform to your linting standards.

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