Dollar sign ($) in JavaScript

In javascript, the dollar ($) sign is not considered a special symbol unlike most of the other programming languages. In this article, we will know the way exactly the dollar sign is used in javascript and what functionalities it provides.
$ – dollar identifier
The dollar ($) sign is a JavaScript identifier, which simply means that it identifies an object in the same way that a name or variable does. Variables, functions, properties, events, and objects can be identified by the $ sign.
Because of this, the $ symbol is not used in the same manner as other special symbols. Although JavaScript treats $ as an alphabetic character, that’s why it can be used as a variable name also in javascript.
$() – dollar function
The dollar sign ($
) is also used as a shortcut to the function document.getElementById()
. The $
is being used as an alternative since this function references a DOM element if we pass an element’s id and now is used frequently in JavaScript to serve the purpose.
It’s not mandatory to use the $
sign for this purpose. However, it has become a convention for frequent use.
Now, even more, libraries offer their implementations of the $()
function. Many now suggest in the javascript community the option to disable that definition to prevent conflicts.
Although, using $
does not require using a library. All you have to do is swap document.getElementById()
for $()
. The purpose of getElementById()
and add the following definition of the $()
function to your code:
function $(x) {
return document.getElementById(x);
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
However, in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) the $ may represent a Template Literal, just like we use just {} in python f-strings we use ${} in javascript to indicate a placeholder for variables.
let user = 'Bob'
console.log(`We love ${user}.`);
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
Conclusively, in JavaScript $
sign is used as an identifier, a function that replicates document.getElementById()
and a string/template literal. I hope through this article I was able to explain the use cases of the dollar signs in javascript.
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