Collect.js Introduction with an Example

Collect.js Introduction with an Example

Welcome to this article on the benefits of using the Collect.js library for working with collections in JavaScript. If you have ever found yourself struggling to perform common operations on arrays or objects, such as filtering, mapping, or sorting, then you know firsthand how frustrating it can be to work with collections in JavaScript. Fortunately, there is a solution: Collect.js.

In this article, we will explore the many advantages of using Collect.js and how it can help you write cleaner, more efficient code when working with collections. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, you will find something of value in this article. So without further ado, let’s dive in!


What is collect.js

Collect.js is a Javascript library that provides an efficient way to work with arrays and objects, designed to use with high performance and more flexibility. One of the main features of Collect.js is we can create “Collections” from arrays and objects allowing us to perform operations like filtering, transforming data, and sorting. Comes with helper methods to do tasks like finding maximum and minimum values.

Using different methods such as filter(), contains, merge(), put(), push(), random(), shuffle(), split(), toArray(), toJson(), etc. Which is very good for a javascript developer and makes it easier to do projects. Collect.js is a very important tool for Javascript developer who is looking to simplify their data manipulation tasks, an open-source project that comes under an MIT license.

Features of collect.js

Collect Js provides a fluent API where you can change functions and loop through our data in a functional way and if we are running laravel as a backend then definitely try it out. The methods available in collect js are identical to the ones in laravel collection making context switching when jumping back and forth between PHP and javascript much easier suppose we are not using lavarel or maybe we don’t have a backend collect js is perfect for doing tasks like looping through items or mapping, sorting especially working with the arrays and objects

Follow these two steps to install collect.js

Collect JS is easily installable by using NPM (Node Package Manager) or yarn also add it via a CDN (Content delivery network) or download the minified version.

Using NPM

To install using the node package manager (NPM). Just enter the following command in the terminal.

npm install collect-js

This only works if you have a node and npm installed on your desktop. Other it shows an error. If you haven’t installed them yet do it now.

Using YARN

If you are using YARN to download packages. Enter the command to download the collect.js

yarn add collect.jsCode language: CSS (css)

using CDN

Without installing any packages we just include it with CDN links under the script tag. Go to the official page for more information. Or you can directly add the following link to your file.

 <script src="" integrity="sha512-PMQSST5BbDOTPTzFifLEy01C6GUYDzWVN/+s0aopu70S6m7NPGeistFqL3EIQc8fMMzbiXULAybnI/gFV0p9LQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

How to implement Collect.js

Since you have downloaded the collect.js. It’s time to implement it. If you downloaded the packages using npm or yarn to include this library in your JavaScript files enter the following line

const collect = require('collect.js');
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Alternatively, you can include the library directly in your HTML file using a script tag

<script src=""></script>
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

For example, you can use the avg() the function which returns the average of all items in the collection

collect([1, 2, 3, 5]).avg();
// 2.75Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

codedamn playground

const collection = collect([
    name: 'My story',
    pages: 176,
    name: 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them',
    pages: 1096,

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Usage Of Collect.js

Collect.js is a very important tool for any javascript developer who is looking to simplify their data and manipulation tasks, an open source Collect.js tool is can be used for a javascript developer who is looking to simplify their data manipulation tasks.

It helps to work with large datasets with optimized performance, and helps you to avoid complex loops or using operations like map() like that. Also helps to use your own custom methods or to override the inbuilt methods to your specific needs.

Importing and using JS frameworks

JavaScript frameworks are pre-written JavaScript libraries that provide a foundation for building web applications. They provide a structure for your code and can make it easier to develop complex applications by providing features such as:

  • A modular structure for your code
  • A set of best practices for building web applications
  • A set of tools and features to make development faster and easier

There are many JavaScript frameworks available, including popular ones like React, Angular, and Vue.js.

To use a JavaScript framework in your project, you will need to include it in your HTML file using a <script> tag. You can either download the framework and link to the local file, or link to a CDN (Content Delivery Network) version of the framework.

Collect.js Widget Options

While we work with data in widgets then collect.js provides a variety of functions that are useful such as creating a new collect object, map(), filtering it, and all() for getting items in the collection. Like:

Const details=[{name:’A’,age:18},

Const data=collect(details).where(‘age’,’>’,28).all()

myWidget.setData(data);Code language: PHP (php)


In conclusion, the Collect.js library is a powerful and versatile tool for working with collections in JavaScript. It allows developers to easily perform a wide range of operations on collections, including filtering, mapping, reducing, and sorting.

It is also highly extensible, allowing developers to add their own custom functions and methods to the library. Whether you are just getting started with collections in JavaScript or you are an experienced developer looking for a more efficient way to work with them, Collect.js is definitely worth considering.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is collect in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, “collect” can refer to a number of different things. It could be the name of a variable or a function that has been defined in some code, or it could be a method or property of an object. Without more context, it is not possible to say for certain what is meant by “collect” in a given context.

There are also several libraries and frameworks that use “collect” as part of their name. One such library is “collect.js,” which is a utility library for working with collections of data in JavaScript. It provides functions for manipulating arrays and objects, such as map, filter, and reduce.

How does JavaScript collect data?

In JavaScript, there are several ways to collect data. Some common methods include Storing data in variables, Arrays, objects, etc.

What data does JavaScript collect?

JavaScript can collect a wide variety of data, depending on the context in which it is being used. Some common types of data that JavaScript might collect include:

  • Text or numerical values are entered by users into forms or other input elements on a web page.
  • Data is stored in variables or arrays in the JavaScript code itself.
  • Data is retrieved from external sources such as servers or databases, using techniques like AJAX or HTTP requests.

In what ways does JavaScript collect data?

There are many techniques to collect data in javascript it depends on the requirements of our project, and specific needs to fill in.

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) requests: As we know, JavaScript can make asynchronous HTTP requests using fetch API to retrieve data from an API, allowing us to collect data from an external source. Also, we can include Server-side storage which we sent to collect data to the server for storing such as form submissions or upon AJAX requests. This can store large ample of data by multiple devices or users.

Cookies: Javascript can be used to read cookies and read them from text files stored in the user’s browser allowing storing of data. This helps in storing data across sites coming with a larger size than the local storage limit. It also supports HTML4 (older browsers)along with HTML5. We can manually set to expire data. Cookies are stored in the browser they are sent to this server every time a user requests something whether it’s an HTML file/CSS file or anything the cookies sent along with the request

What are the ways JavaScript collects data?

There are several ways to collect data in JavaScript:

  1. Using forms: Data can be collected from users using forms, such as input fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and dropdown lists. Form data can be collected and processed using JavaScript form and input elements.
  2. Using JavaScript’s prompt() function: This function displays a prompt window that allows the user to enter data. The data is returned as a string.
  3. Using JavaScript’s confirm() function: This function displays a confirmation window that allows the user to choose between two options: “OK” and “Cancel”. The function returns a boolean value indicating the user’s choice.
  4. Using JavaScript’s fetch() function: This function allows you to send HTTP requests to a server and receive data in return. It is commonly used to retrieve data from APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).
  5. Using browser storage: JavaScript can store data locally in the user’s browser using technologies such as cookies, local storage, and session storage. This allows data to be persisted across multiple sessions and can be used to store user preferences, shopping cart items, and other types of data.

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