Best 5 things you can do with JavaScript

JavaScript has evolved a lot in the past couple of years. Javascript is no longer limited to adding interactivity to web pages; it has found a home in a variety of tech domains ranging from web apps, game development, and mobile apps to machine learning and artificial intelligence. Today you can do anything and everything crazy with JavaScript. Because of the versatile nature of JavaScript, the need for JavaScript developers is also increasing at an insane rate in the market. In this article, we’ll discuss the 5 best things that you can do with JavaScript.
Why JavaScript?
Well, I think that I no longer need to answer this question anymore. Due to the introduction of various JavaScript frameworks and libraries day by day, JavaScript is becoming the most popular language among the developer community. Today JavaScript allows you to do any crazy stuff that you could imagine. Now, let us directly dive into the best 5 things you can do with JavaScript.
AR and VR apps
You might have heard from a lot of people that Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are the future of the tech world but have you also heard that to build VR apps you can also use JavaScript? Sounds crazy right?
A-Frame is a popular three.js web framework developed by Mozilla’s VR team for creating virtual reality experiences. The most amazing thing for developers is that A-Frame uses plain HTML and is a powerful independent open-source entity-component framework. Today, A-Frame is one of the largest VR communities.
Wondering how to get started? The internet, after all, is a library! MDN has some excellent JavaScript docs about WebVR that can help you get started with VR and AR.
Manipulating Drones & Robots
Drones and Robots are something that used to fascinate all of us right from our childhood. But wouldn’t it be more fascinating if I tell you that you being a JavaScript developer can manipulate drones and robots using JavaScript? Yes, you read it right!
Almost all quadcopters have a basic OS in them through which you can install nodeJS and Cylon.js which is a JavaScript framework for physical computing and robotics having support for 43 different platforms.
The community count of JavaScript developers interested in Robotics is increasing on a large scale day by day. There are various events, workshops, and seminars happening all across the world. Nodebots & NodeCopter are some of the amazing events to attend if you want to gear up your journey into robotics as a JavaScript Developer.
Artificial Intelligence
Well Artificial Intelligence is a very huge topic in itself and you can do endless things with AI but in this article, we’ll be discussing only two of its applications using JavaScript. So, all the credit for introducing JavaScript Developers to the AI world goes to TensorFlow.
TensorFlow.js is a JavaScript Library for machine learning that allows the development of ML models through JavaScript and uses Machine Learning directly in NodeJs or in the browser.
Neural Networks and ML
Machine Learning basically a sub-field of AI allows us to parse the data and based on that data, draw inferences and make predictions about the future pattern of the data by using some special statistical models and algorithms. TensorFlow is a JavaScript library that uses neural networks. Apart from TensorFlow, there are other libraries as well like deeplearn, ml5.js, Brain.js, etc.
Building Chatbots
Almost every other big tech company website you visit over the internet today has chatbots on their website for customer services and customer assistance. There are many frameworks like Chatfuel, BotUI, Botkit, and many more frameworks that allow JavaScript developers to build chatbots.
Game Development
The gaming industry has grown significantly in the last few years, and with the introduction of HTML5 canvas, many JavaScript developers were drawn to game development, resulting in the creation of some small games that can be played directly in the web browser. This curiosity of the JavaScript developers into game development grew with time which eventually resulted in the introduction of several 2D frameworks like Phasor as well as 3D JavaScript frameworks like Bablon.js
By using these frameworks we can build various simple 2D games to many complex 3D games as well.
Desktop Applications
Gone are the days when you had to learn JAVA in order to create desktop applications. JavaScript is no longer just for creating web applications. ElectronJS is an amazing JavaScript framework that allows you to build some cool cross-platform desktop applications. You can build desktop applications for different operating systems like Windows, Linux, and Mac by just using ElectronJS. Furthermore, you do not need to study and understand any tools to get started with ElectronJS.
Still unsure whether to begin or not? Ok, let me tell you one more amazing thing about ElectronJS. Have you heard about Visual Studio Code? I know your answer would be a big yes if you are a JavaScript Developer. VS Code along with other big tech companies like Slack, Whatsapp, and many more are already using ElectronJS.
So now what are you waiting for? Get started right away and create some cool applications with ElectronJS.
This article is limited to only five JavaScript applications, but with such a large community of JavaScript developers, we can never limit JavaScript. The things that you can do with JavaScript are endless. Today with so many JavaScript frameworks and libraries we can use JavaScript in almost every domain.
Taking into consideration the growth of JavaScript in the past couple of years there would be nothing harmful in the future saying that “The Sky is the limit for the JavaScript Developers“.
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