Containerd vs Docker: Detailed Comparison 2022

Containerd vs Docker: Detailed Comparison 2022

If you are a programmer working on something for a long time, or you are just getting started, I have a sad story to share. A veteran or intermediate programmer can relate a lot to that story!  Say you are a programmer for a big company, and you have been working hard on a project for a long time. Now, you are ready with the code, and constantly tested thoroughly and found no issue at all. Today is the day, You are ready to show your work to everyone, then BOOM! Suddenly, that one code you have always found working properly has stopped working completely.  It is a very common problem in the coding industry for one code to work perfectly fine on one device but not at all on another. Docker is our savior in this case because it provides a slew of OS-level virtualization called containers on which to work on your project.  Now, not only Docker but also ContainerD is working hard to handle the same issue as Docker and offer the same sort of service as Docker. So, the question arises: of containerd vs docker, which one should you choose? 

In this section, we will discuss how containerd vs docker both provide the same type of service and which one may be better for you. 

What is Docker

If you follow the tech world regularly, you may have noticed the rise of Docker and Kubernetes. You may also see your favorite tech YouTuber or content writer talking about Docker and Kubernetes like it is something you must know as a web developer. 

What does Docker offer that makes it such a sweetheart to developers? As I have mentioned before, Docker offers something called a “container,” but they did not invent it. Containers are an old concept, but before Docker, they were not that accessible or easy for a developer to get their hands on. 

The developer team at Docker made sure this container technology was easy for a regular user to handle. I’ve seen many online programming coaches face problems because different students were working on different systems. Now, they can just use a shared container for all the students and face no difference like they used to.

From downloading container images to making two containers connected, Docker has got you covered. You can just imagine whatever you are expecting from your Docker container and just get it done. 

What is Containerd

Containerd also offers the same sort of features that we have discussed in the Docker section. from downloading container images to maintaining the container however you wish. Containerd can get everything done. 

Containerd can handle both high-level container runtime and low-level container runtime (runc). You will command the runc to do tasks like opening and closing the container, and you can manage to operate a program in an isolated mode. So, what happens in an isolated mode? Say you are running a program in your desired operating system, usually that program can access different parts of the computer. If you run the same program in a container or isolated system, it will believe that container or isolated system is the total system. 

For a long time, Containerd was Docker itself, but Docker then build a different section of Docker’s code and that became the new Docker and the old Docker code is known as Containerd today. Another part of that older Docker code is now runc. So, the question arises,” Why does Docker even need to split its code and make a completely new segment?”

The simplest answer will be to make things easier and better for the developer community. The new Docker is more like an upgrade, instead of upgrading the already existing Docker code they made a new one from the ground up to make it simpler and those who want to use the old containerd or runc can check out that too. 

Containerd Vs Docker

Well, we tried to describe both Containerd and Docker, and instead of differences, we saw more and more similarities between these two. Now, our previous segments might get a bit more confusing so here we are putting Containerd and Docker face to face and finding out which one is the superior container system. 

Docker has always prioritized the regular user, who is not tech-savvy, and managed to build a system that is easier to get used to. Now, when you work in a Docker system, what do you do? You have a CLI or the Docker CLI in front of you, you write a command there and execute that command. When you execute that command what happens inside your machine? 

Say the command you want to execute is this

docker run --name webserver -p 80:80 -d nginx
Code language: Dockerfile (dockerfile)

First, Docker takes your instruction, understands what you meant, and starts to send the instruction to the containerd. Containerd looks at the data and downloads necessary nginx images into the system and proceeds to start the container with the help of runc. You’re done!!! You have an isolated system up and running for you to start your work. 

We are here to talk about how to use Docker and what it does to our system. If Docker just tells containerd to do all the jobs, why not cut out the middleman and go directly to the boss ( containerd ) itself? 

Well, that’s good thinking, and we can save our valuable resources and use them for another purpose or boost our performance. If you are up to date with the tech news, you might know that Kubernetes has removed Docker and is ready to use Containerd directly. 

It may seem like removing Docker is an excellent idea for you, but the reality is that it doesn’t matter. A company like Kubernetes must keep thousands of servers up and running at all times; when Docker is removed, they discover significant free resources. 

Docker will have little impact on an average Joe like you and me in our system. as we may run up to 4 or 5 containers for personal use. Removing Docker may not affect us at all.


Now, containerd vs docker is a tough question to answer. I have tried to explain all the issues as simply as possible, but if you just want the shortest answer, here it is: 

If you are a big tech giant who needs to run a couple of thousand contained servers at once, then I suggest you go for Containerd. Running Docker on thousands of servers may be a bit too heavy for work. 

On the other hand, if you are looking to do something personal, Docker is the best choice for its user-friendly nature. Maintaining Containerd can be a bit tricky for most, so we suggest you go with Docker. 


Docker has been an amazing companion to developers all around the world for a long time, and they keep upgrading themselves to make the system better for everyone. Containerd is here to make everything simple and efficient for everyone. Depending on the situation, you may choose any one of them to get your work done. Whatever you choose between Docker and Containerized, both will serve you well. 

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