LIKE in PostgreSQL explained with examples

LIKE in PostgreSQL explained with examples

Databases form the backbone of modern applications, serving as the central repository for data that powers everything from websites to mobile apps. A critical component of working with databases is the ability to efficiently search and retrieve relevant information, which becomes especially significant in massive datasets. One of the cornerstones of this retrieval process is pattern matching, an indispensable tool for querying data based on specific patterns or substrings.


PostgreSQL, commonly known as Postgres, is a powerful, open-source relational database system. With more than 15 years of active development and a proven architecture, it has earned a strong reputation for reliability, data integrity, and correctness. When working with vast amounts of data in Postgres, the significance of effective querying and searching cannot be overstated. It allows developers and database administrators to sift through tons of information quickly, ensuring that applications remain responsive and users get the data they need.

What is the LIKE Operator?

The LIKE operator in SQL is designed for pattern matching within strings. It is a way to search for a specified pattern in a column. Unlike other search methods in SQL that look for exact matches, LIKE is used to find a match based on a specific pattern, offering a more flexible approach to querying.

Basics of LIKE Operator

When you’re dealing with the LIKE operator, the process revolves around comparing a value to a specified pattern. Patterns are defined using a combination of regular characters and wildcard characters, which we’ll discuss shortly.

Wildcard Characters

In the context of the LIKE operator in SQL, especially within PostgreSQL, there are two primary wildcard characters: % and _.

%: Zero or More Characters

The % wildcard represents zero, one, or multiple characters. This means that when you use % in your pattern, it can stand for no characters, a single character, or several characters. For instance, if you’re looking for any word starting with ‘a’, you’d use the pattern a%.

_: Single Character

The _ wildcard, on the other hand, represents a single character. So, if you’re trying to find a five-letter word where the third letter is ‘r’, you would use the pattern __r__.

Examples of LIKE Operator Usage

Basic Examples

Searching for a Specific Prefix

To find all entries that start with “pre”, the query would look something like:

SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE 'pre%';

Searching for a Specific Suffix

If you’re searching for entries that end with “fix”, the appropriate query is:

SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE '%fix';

Searching for a Pattern Anywhere in the String

To locate entries with the substring “mid” anywhere within them:

SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE '%mid%';

Searching for a Specific Character at a Specific Position

For a string where the second character is “z”:

SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE '_z%';

Advanced Examples

Combining Multiple Wildcards

To find entries that start with “a”, followed by any character, and then “c”:

SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE 'a_c%';

Using LIKE with Other SQL Clauses

The LIKE operator can seamlessly integrate with other SQL clauses. For instance, when combined with WHERE and ORDER BY:

SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE '%pattern%' ORDER BY column_name DESC;

This would return results matching the pattern, ordered in descending order based on the specified column.


The NOT LIKE operator in PostgreSQL provides a way to filter out records that do not match a certain pattern. It’s the inverse of the LIKE operator. When you want to exclude rows based on a particular pattern, NOT LIKE is your tool.

For instance, if you have a table of books and you want to find all titles that don’t start with ‘The’, you would use:

SELECT title FROM books WHERE title NOT LIKE 'The%';

The % character acts as a wildcard, representing any number of characters.

ILIKE: Case-Insensitive Search

While LIKE is case-sensitive, PostgreSQL offers a case-insensitive counterpart named ILIKE. This means, using ILIKE, the pattern ‘HELLO’ would match both ‘hello’ and ‘HELLO’.

This is particularly useful when the case of the input data is uncertain or when user input can be in varying cases. The main advantage is the simplicity it offers in such scenarios.

Examples for ILIKE

Consider a table of customers and you want to find all customers whose name contains ‘john’, regardless of case:

SELECT name FROM customers WHERE name ILIKE '%john%';

This would match ‘John’, ‘JOHN’, ‘john’, ‘JoHn’, and so forth.

Performance Considerations

As with any database operation, performance considerations are crucial when using pattern matching. Unoptimized pattern searches can lead to slow queries.

Importance of Indexes

Indexes are essential in improving the speed of search operations. By default, using LIKE or ILIKE will result in a full table scan unless the query can utilize an index. Proper indexing can turn a potentially slow operation into a quick one.

Trigram Indexes with pg_trgm

PostgreSQL offers the pg_trgm extension, which provides support for trigram-based searches. A trigram is a set of three consecutive characters taken from a string. Using trigram indexes can speed up LIKE and ILIKE operations, especially when the search pattern has a leading wildcard.

To use this, you’d first need to enable the extension:


Then, create an index on your desired column:

CREATE INDEX idx_name_trgm ON customers USING gin(name gin_trgm_ops);

Potential Performance Pitfalls

  • Leading wildcards (%) in patterns can prevent the use of indexes, making searches slower.
  • Overusing pattern matching where simpler string operations might suffice.
  • Not considering the case-sensitivity of LIKE can lead to missed matches and might make ILIKE a better choice.

Using LIKE with Arrays and JSONB

Searching Arrays with LIKE

PostgreSQL allows the use of arrays as a datatype. To search within arrays using LIKE:

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE ANY(array_column) LIKE 'pattern%';

Using LIKE with JSONB Fields

For JSONB fields, you can use the jsonb_array_elements_text function combined with LIKE:

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE jsonb_array_elements_text(jsonb_column) LIKE 'pattern%';

Alternatives to LIKE in PostgreSQL

Regular Expressions in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL supports powerful regular expressions using operators like ~ (case-sensitive), ~* (case-insensitive), !~ (case-sensitive not match), and !~* (case-insensitive not match).


SELECT name FROM customers WHERE name ~* '';


SIMILAR TO provides SQL:1999-standard regular expression matching. It’s another way to pattern-match, but be aware of the different syntax and capabilities compared to POSIX-style regex.

SELECT name FROM customers WHERE name SIMILAR TO 'Jo(n|h)n';

Other Extensions and Tools

PostgreSQL has several extensions like fuzzystrmatch for more advanced pattern matching and string comparison functionalities.

Tips and Best Practices

Use Wildcards Appropriately

Wildcards (% and _) can be powerful, but use them judiciously. Too many can lead to slower searches.

Be Wary of Leading Wildcards

As mentioned earlier, leading wildcards can prevent the utilization of indexes, leading to slower performance.

Effective Use of Indexes

Always consider the potential of indexing columns that are frequently searched using pattern matching.

Text Normalization Considerations

Normalizing text (e.g., converting to lowercase) before storing and searching can often lead to more consistent and predictable results.

Limitations of LIKE

  • LIKE is limited to simple pattern matching. For more complex patterns, regular expressions might be more suitable.
  • LIKE and ILIKE are not full-text search tools. PostgreSQL offers specialized tools for such needs.


Pattern matching, using tools like LIKE and its variants, is a powerful feature in PostgreSQL. However, it’s essential to understand its nuances, performance implications, and best practices. Here at codedamn, we encourage continuous learning and optimization to get the best out of your database operations.

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