Top 25+ Network Security Interview Questions & Answers

Networking security is a rapidly growing field, as cybercriminals continue to target systems and networks. To guarantee that your organization’s network is as safe as possible, you must be able to properly answer basic networking security interview questions. In this post, we’ll go through some of the most typical networking security interview questions and how to respond to them.
The Best Network Security Interview Questions
A network security interview is an important part of the hiring process for any organization. Whether you are a new hire or an experienced professional, preparing for the interview is essential to securing the position. The best ways to respond to the top 25+ network security interview questions are listed below.
Define protocol
The rules for interacting with a network or other resources are known as a protocol. Protocols may include rules for exchanging data between computers or applications across a network. Transmission of information over a medium between two or more devices is what it refers to. For example, the Internet is based on a number of different protocols that define how data is sent and received over the Internet. Network protocols allow different systems to communicate over a network without interfering with each other. Examples of protocols include HTTP and SMTP.
What are the different layers of OSI?
Network infrastructure layer – the physical hardware that connects devices on the network
Data link layer – responsible for ensuring reliable transmission of data over the physical medium
Transport layer – This layer transfers data between nodes on the network regardless of their service types.
Session layer – responsible for establishing and terminating connections between network entities
Presentation layer – responsible for formatting data for transfer over the network
Application layer – provides services to users, including support for applications (e.g. email) and services that require collaboration among multiple users (e.g. video conferencing)
What is the difference between a hub and a switch?
Hubs serve as the main point of communication for different network devices. Switches are network devices that link to other network devices and allow data to be routed via them to their intended destination. The devices on a network typically connect via a hub or a switch. Hubs typically allow multiple connections while switches do not.
Which layers are referred to as network support layers?
Physic, data link, and transport are the network support layers. The physical layer is the first and lowest layer of the OSI model. It deals with physical devices such as computers, printers, phones, and speakers. The data transmission between devices through a physical channel is handled by the data link layer. Finally, the Transport layer provides end-to-end delivery of data over a network.
What are the factors that affect the performance of the network?
- The number of devices and users on the network.
- The type of devices and users on the network.
- The type of applications being run on the network.
- The types of traffic flowing through the network.
- The network configuration and hardware being used.
What is the difference between a wired LAN and a wireless LAN?
A wired LAN connects devices through wires, whereas a wireless LAN does not. Instead, it uses radio waves to connect devices. Using a wireless LAN has a number of advantages, including speed and ease. However, the biggest drawback is that it is not as secure as a wired LAN because it can be easily hacked.

What is the use of TCP in IP packets?
TCP is used to ensure reliable communication between two computers.TCP ensures data transmission and can identify and recover damaged packets. TCP/IP is sometimes known as “the network protocol suite” because it consists of numerous protocols that work together to offer the services required for successful communication between computer systems.
Name the types of errors in data communication over a network.
- Incomplete or garbled data transmission.
- Faulty network hardware or software.
- Accidental or deliberate interference from an unauthorized source.
Which protocols use the application layer?
TCP and UDP are the application layer protocols. HTTP, SMTP, and DNS are also application layer protocols. These protocols convey data from the TCP/IP model’s application layer to the transport layer. The transport layer is responsible for routing the packets of data across a network.
What are the different types of network security tools?
There are many different types of network security tools, but the most common ones include firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), antivirus solutions, and threat intelligence systems. These security solutions are used to safeguard networks from both internal and external threats. They detect attacks and mitigate threats by denying access to unauthorized users or blocking harmful traffic.
What is the meaning of AAA in network security?
AAA stands for Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting. It is a set of standards that organizations use to manage authentication, authorization, and accounting. It is the 3rd set of security controls in the NIST framework. All traffic should be authenticated, authorized, and logged by an AAA system. Each node on the network requires at least one IP address to communicate with other nodes in the network.
What are the different methods of user authentication?
The many techniques for user authentication consist of :
- Password authentication
- Token authentication
- Biometric authentication
- Credential-based authentication
What is IPS in network security?
An IPS stand for an intrusion prevention system. An intrusion prevention system (IPS) is a form of firewall that secures networks by identifying and blocking unwanted activity before it enters the network. One of the most common types of firewalls used by enterprises of all sizes to secure their whole network from assaults is intrusion prevention systems (IPS).

What is network encryption? How does it work?
Network encryption transforms readable data into an unreadable format so unauthorized users can’t read it. Encryption algorithms use mathematical and statistical techniques to transform data into a form that is unreadable by unauthorized users without the correct decryption key.
How does the CIA Triad work?
Triad is an acronym for three elements that are critical to effective network security: authentication, identification, and authorization. While accessing a network, authentication validates a person’s or device’s identification to verify that only authorized users have access. Identification is the process of determining the role a user plays in an organization or what service they are accessing. People may access the resources they need to do their jobs well with authorization.
Why does an Active FTP not work with network firewalls?
Active FTP connections can be barred by a firewall placed in front of the FTP server and the network. The firewall might also block other FTP traffic. Some firewalls support “active” FTP for outgoing connections whereas “passive” FTP for incoming connections is blocked.
What is a DDoS attack?
A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is a way of assaulting a network by delivering so much traffic to it that the network can no longer manage it, leading the system to fail. The attacker can then use their control of the network to attack other systems, often resulting in a data breach. This can happen either via infecting the network with malware or directly targeting the system’s resources with the intention of exhausting them.
What are the types of DDoS attacks?
A denial-of-service attack is an attempt to disable a system or network by flooding it with traffic from one or more computers. These attacks are usually carried out using botnets. They are also known as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) assaults, as they are often carried out by multiple systems in a distributed manner SYN floods, UDP floods, ICMP floods, and TCP floods are some of the most popular forms of DDoS assaults.
Name some different types of ransomware.
There are many different types of ransomware, but the most common ones include:-
Locky: locks users out of their computers and demands payment in order to release the files again.
CryptoLocker: encrypts files on your computer and then forces you to pay money to regain access to your data.
Petya: Like CryptoLocker, Petya prevents you from accessing your computer and encrypts your files unless you pay a ransom to get them back.

What are the different types of phishing attacks?
There are a variety of phishing attacks, including spoofing (i.e., creating an email that appears to be from a trusted source), social engineering (e.g., convincing someone to provide personal information through fake emails or phone calls), and domain spoofing (i.e., creating a website that looks legitimate but is actually a scam).
What are the different types of VPNs?
- Point-to-point VPN: This type of VPN connects two specific networks, such as your home network and your work network.
- Site-to-site VPN: This VPN joins two distinct networks over a public network such as the Internet. It is typically used to connect branch offices or remote workers to a company’s headquarters or secure an internal network.
- Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS): This type of VPN allows multiple sites to communicate as if they were all on the same network.
Give some examples of Shadow IT.
- Buying software or hardware that is not authorized by your organization.
- Using an unauthorized software or hardware solution.
- The use of a cloud service is against company policy.
What are the major roles and responsibilities of a network engineer?
A network engineer is responsible for assuring the security of a company’s networks and data. They build and maintain networks, supervise employees, and install hardware and software to support networks and business operations. They also handle network emergencies and issues as they arise.
How can a beginner learn about network security?
Understanding how networks operate and the many attack types that may be used against them is the first step in ensuring network security. A good starting point is to take a look at one of the free online resources on network protocols and functions or read the articles on TCP/IP. Once you’re comfortable with the basics, you can start learning about different attack vectors by reading up on the different networking attacks and defenses available.
What is the difference between Network Security and Cyber Security?
Cyber security involves protecting devices and networks from malicious attacks, such as theft, while network security protects computer networks and devices from unauthorized access.
These are some of the most important network security interview questions, and you should be ready to respond to them. Cyber security is a constantly expanding industry and these questions will help you to stand out from the crowd. Thanks for reading!
What are the interview questions for network security?
There is no definitive answer to this question since it depends on the specific network security position and the company that you are applying for. However, the post above provides some of the most common interview questions.
Which questions are asked during a network security interview?
Most network security interviews will include questions about your understanding of relevant networking technologies, such as firewalls and network intrusion detection systems. Your interviewer will also likely ask you about certain security threats and how you would handle them.
How do network security interviews work?
Network security interviews usually work like this: The interviewer will come up with a list of questions and ask you to answer them on the spot. This will give you a good indication of how you approach situations and how comfortable you are working in a fast-paced environment.
In what way do network security interviews work?
Network security interviews typically work in a two-part process. First, the interviewer will ask you questions about your understanding of network security concepts and how you would go about implementing them in a particular network environment. Second, you will be asked a series of technical questions related to specific technologies in the networking field.
How are network security interviews conducted?
Network security interviews typically involve questions from a potential employer or client about your experience with network security, as well as questions about the various technologies you know and use in your network and security roles. It’s important that you be prepared to answer a wide variety of questions during your interview and to demonstrate your skills and experience in the field.
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