Salami Attack: What it is and how to avoid it?

Salami Attack: What it is and how to avoid it?

Imagine you get a message that 0.1 has been deducted from your bank account. You would probably think it’s just a small amount and ignore it. But what if this happens with lakhs or crores of accounts in a bank? That’s where the real scam happens, and the thief steals lakhs or even crores of dollars with this fraud. This type of scam is also known as a “salami attack.”


A salami attack is a type of cybercrime that involves the theft of small amounts of money from a large number of accounts, often over a long period of time. It is named after the method of slicing thin slices of salami, as the thief is able to steal small amounts of money from many accounts without being noticed. These attacks can be difficult to detect and can have serious consequences for individuals and organizations. In this article, we will discuss what a salami attack is, how it works, and what you can do to protect yourself from these types of attacks.

What is Salami Attack?

A salami attack is a form of financial fraud that involves the theft of small amounts of money from a large number of accounts. The goal of this type of attack is to steal small amounts of money from each account over a long period of time, in order to avoid detection. The thief is able to do this by manipulating financial transactions in a way that is difficult to detect.

Definition of salami attack

The term “salami attack” is believed to be coined in the 1940s, It was first seen in action when a group of programmers in the former Soviet Union was caught stealing small amounts of money from the government by manipulating financial transactions. This type of attack is also known as “salami slicing” or “penny shaving.”

How does a salami attack work?

Salami attacks can take many different forms, but they all involve the manipulation of financial transactions in order to steal small amounts of money from a large number of accounts. For example, a thief might modify a financial application in order to round down the amount of money being transferred from one account to another. This would result in a small amount of money being transferred from the first account to the second, and the thief would be able to steal the difference.

Types of salami attack

There are two main types of salami attacks: salami slicing and penny shaving.

Salami Slicing attack

A salami-slicing attack involves the theft of small amounts of money from a large number of accounts by manipulating financial transactions.

For example, a malware program is installed on a system and begins making small changes to the system’s files or settings, gradually increasing its control over the system and potentially allowing the attacker to access sensitive information.

Penny Shaving attack

A penny-shaving attack is similar to a salami-slicing attack, but it involves the manipulation of financial transactions in order to steal small amounts of money from a single account over a long period of time.

For example, a hacker infiltrates a company’s financial system and begins making small, unauthorized changes to the amounts of financial transactions, such as rounding down the amount by a few cents or dollars and stealing a large amount of money from several bank accounts

Real-life salami attacks cases

In the past, there have been a number of notable salami attacks. Here are two real-life cases to help you understand the different ways scammers carry out fraud.

Case 1

Vinod Kumar Pacchiyappan, a manager at SBI Cards and Payment Services Pvt Ltd, filed a complaint with the police suspecting that the insider employees of the company had stolen the KYC data of customers. Also, fake credit cards were made and this resulted in a loss of around 38 lakh rupees.

Case 2

Willis Robinson, a 22-year-old man from Libertytown, Maryland, was sent to prison after being caught reprogramming the cash register at the Taco Bell drive-up window where he worked. He had altered the register to charge only 1 cent for each $2.99 item, allowing him to pocket the remaining $2.98 per transaction. He was able to carry out this scheme for some time and accumulate $3,600 before he was caught.

How do you spot a salami attack?

These types of attacks can be difficult to detect because the thief steals small amounts of money without your knowledge. However, you can look for the following signs to determine if you’ve ever been a victim of this attack. These include:

  • Unexpected changes in account balances: If you notice that your account balance is lower than you expected, it could be a sign that you are a victim of a salami attack.
  • Unauthorized transactions: If you notice transactions on your account that you did not authorize, it could be a sign that you are a victim of a salami attack.
  • Inconsistencies in financial records: If you notice discrepancies in your financial records, it could be a sign that you are a victim of a salami attack.

To protect yourself from salami attacks, it is important to regularly review your financial statements and account activity and to report any suspicious activity to your financial institution.

How to prevent salami attacks

Now that you know about salami attacks, you must also ensure that you protect yourself from these types of attacks. Here are some tips to protect yourself from salami attacks:

  • Strong passwords: Always try to combine letters, numbers, and symbols to make strong, unique passwords that can help you prevent unauthorized access to your accounts.
  • Enable two-factor authentication: Enabling two-factor authentication on your accounts can provide more security to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Use reputable financial institutions: Choosing reputable financial institutions can help to ensure the security of your accounts.
  • Regularly review your financial statements: Regularly reviewing your financial statements can help you to spot any unusual activity on your accounts.
  • Report suspicious activity: If you notice any suspicious activity on your accounts, it is important to report it to your financial institution as soon as possible.

Are you prepared for a salami attack on your bank account?

Salami attacks can be difficult to detect and can have serious consequences for individuals and organizations. By taking the steps outlined above, you can help to protect yourself from these types of attacks and keep your accounts secure. You must take caution and keep yourself updated with recent cybersecurity threats in order to stay prepared and protect your financial assets.


It’s time to conclude today’s article, today we discussed about salami attacks. It is a type of cybercrime where the hacker steals small amounts of money from a large number of accounts. These attacks can be difficult to detect and can have serious consequences for individuals and organizations. To protect yourself from salami attacks, it is important to use strong, unique passwords, enable two-factor authentication, use reputable financial institutions, regularly review your financial statements, and report suspicious activity. By taking these steps, you can help to secure your accounts and protect yourself from these types of attacks.

I hope you found my article informative. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section and I’ll be happy to answer them. We will be back with another informative article. Till then, stay alert and informed. Have a great day ahead!

Frequently Asked Questions to Resolve (FAQs)

What is salami slicing in computer?

Salami slicing in a computer refers to a type of fraud in which a perpetrator alters or manipulates small amounts of financial data or information in a way that goes unnoticed but cumulatively adds up to a significant amount over time. This can be done through the use of computer programs or scripts to make small, incremental changes to financial records or transactions.

How do you slice salami on a computer?

There is no legitimate way to slice salami on a computer. The term “salami slicing” is used metaphorically to describe a type of fraudulent activity in which small, incremental changes are made to financial data or information in a way that goes unnoticed.

How many different types of salami attack are there?

There is no specific classification of salami attacks, as the term “salami slicing” is used more broadly to describe any type of fraud that involves making small, incremental changes to financial data or information.

What attacks are used to commit financial crimes?

Various types of cyber attacks can be used to commit financial crimes, such as phishing attacks, malware attacks, and ransomware attacks. These types of attacks can be used to steal sensitive financial information, disrupt financial systems, or extort money from individuals or organizations.

How do financial crimes get committed?

Financial crimes can be committed through a variety of means, including cyber attacks, embezzlement, insider trading, money laundering, and other types of fraudulent activity. In many cases, financial crimes are perpetrated using sophisticated techniques and technologies, such as those described above, to facilitate illicit activity and avoid detection.

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