Announcing Discord integration wtih codedamn

Announcing Discord integration wtih codedamn

Community learning is a big part of codedamn. We believe communities not only help learn in a safe and motivation-fulled environment, but can also act as a fun escape when times get tough. As a developer-focused platform, our aim is to connect you with other fellow developers similar to your journey. This is our first step in that direction.

First class Discord Integration

What’s the difference between having a regular discord server vs this integration? You might ask. A regular server would have been, well, just a discord server. But with codedamn’s integration your codedamn account here is linked with the official chat server. Why would it make a difference? Because now, we can combine the following with the discord server:

Your membership status (Pro/Free) to give you more elevated access and unlock members-only channels.
Your streak data to reflect you as a hard worker on server. People respect hard working people 🙂
Your enrolled courses to assign you what you’re learning. This gives you a realtime chat with people already learning same things as you.
Smart replies and account modification/updates with official codebot depending. The bot is aware about your account here on codedamn and can directly work with your account settings.

If that isn’t enough, feel free to contribute a feature yourself on GitHub

How to link your codedamn account to Discord

You can link your codedamn account to Discord in 3 simple steps:

Go to your profile settings page here

Click on “Link to discord” button:

Approve the authentication flow:

Great! Your account is now linked and would automatically start receiving more roles and access every day.

Contribute to this bot

Are you a developer or aspiring to be one? You can help improve the codebot discord bot experience. If you’d like to see a feature/report a bug, report it directly on the source code. It is open sourced!

Sharing is caring

Did you like what Mehul Mohan wrote? Thank them for their work by sharing it on social media.


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