What’s New – August’22 Codedamn

What’s New – August’22 Codedamn

August 2022 was a great month for us. We shipped a lot of new things and are looking forward to a great September. Us shipping means you get to enjoy a faster, better, and more premium way of learning to code online – experienced like never before.

Let’s get into last month’s updates.

Guided Projects

Today, we’re shipping Guided Projects – a new initiative by codedamn to help you learn to code a project, in a fully guided and step-by-step mode.

A big project is a daunting task for most beginners, and it is important to build your first project on your own to gain confidence, get out of the tutorial hell, and take the next step in your development journey. After talking to a few aspiring developers, we figured out that beginners love to learn in a guided step-by-step pattern. A pattern pushes them to solve mini-tasks and challenges.

We heard you and introduced Guided Projects. You can access and complete the first guided project on codedamn here. There is a series of mini-challenges, called “Steps”. Each step you complete will bring you one step closer to that final project, giving you an amazing developer portfolio, and getting you started with actually building things.

Attempt your first guided project here: https://codedamn.com/project/multiverse-html5-photo-gallery

New User Dashboard

We gave your user dashboard a new look and feel. It now comes with a better UI and important widgets at the top. Resume your ongoing courses, check accelerator status, view your daily progress and see the latest from codedamn all from one place.

Smarter Playgrounds (LSP Support)

We have upgraded the Web Development playground languages to include support from language servers, a.k.a., we have added auto-completion to save you from writing boilerplate code. The technology is called LSP or Language Server Providers, which is how modern IntelliSense and auto completion tools (except GPT-3) work.

From today, you’ll have a much richer coding experience in:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React (JSX)
  • Node.js

We’re on our way to adding it to the following languages in the coming weeks: Python, Java, C, C++, and more. Try a playground for free here: https://codedamn.com/playgrounds

Student Accounts

Codedamn is loved by the student community and to share that enthusiasm with student developers we’ve introduced “Student Accounts”.

On signing up with your institutional email address, you’ll automatically be granted the “Student Status” on your codedamn account.

With a student account, you can participate in multiple programs across the platform and community such as student writing internship, campus evangelist, etc. As a student, you will also be eligible to upgrade to codedamn pro with a 50% discount.

To get the student status, apply for a student account on codedamn here: https://codedamn.com/student

Code Day

10K+ developers celebrated with us on “Code Day” – a monthly celebration day where we launch new courses, release existing course revamps and share platform-wide content updates. August’s Code Day saw massive enthusiasm from our developer community, and pumped people for heavy and exciting discounts.

Stay tuned at https://codedamn.com/codeday for the next Code Day, we have amazing deals in-store for you! 

New Accelerator Widget

We have revamped the accelerator widget on your dashboard completely! You can navigate to any day for the accelerator you are enrolled in and see what lies ahead!

You will also get a personalized view of all the accelerators you are enrolled in, as well as any upcoming accelerators we have planned for you, to prevent that FOMO, and get you started with the tech stack of your choice.

Go to your dashboard to know more about the accelerator widget (works only if you’re enrolled in an accelerator): https://codedamn.com/dashboard

Instructor Dashboard

The new and refreshed instructor dashboard is now a part of codedamn.com itself, you can now seamlessly switch between learner and creator profiles on codedamn with a single click.

If teaching is something that comes naturally to you, we would love to have you onboard. Become an instructor with us today, and your learners will have access to all of the amazing features codedamn has to offer.

New Certificate Design

Your certificates deserved a new look! We’ve added new colors to bring an entirely new and enhanced appearance to the certificates. Go ahead and flaunt your accomplishment today.
You can see and regenerate all your certificates here: https://codedamn.com/certificates

Updated Browser Console for Playgrounds

A complete overhaul for the browser console just got pushed! You won’t have to open your browser’s developer tools anymore, because well we built it for you within playgrounds. The new console has all the functionalities from the network tabs to elements, resources, and DOM! The difference is that now you will only see the console outputs and network calls specific to the application you are building, and not all the events that Chrome and Firefox register. It’s all about you and your experience for us. Check out playgrounds now!

That’s a Wrap

At codedamn, we are working day and night to make you the best developer out there, and pushing monthly updates like this pushes us to keep on iterating on the same ideology.

I hope you enjoyed knowing about the updates and go on to experience them yourself to reap maximum benefits in your learning curve. See you again, next month, right here.

Sharing is caring

Did you like what Mehul Mohan, Rishabh Mittal, wrote? Thank them for their work by sharing it on social media.


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