
Tesla Landing Page Clone

Build the tesla clone website with smooth transitions and scroll snaps


Project Description

Your challenge is to build out a Tesla's Landing Pages and get it to look as close to the design as possible.

This project focuses on your React and CSS skills, but you can use any tools you like to help you complete the project. So if you've got something you'd like to practice, feel free to give it a go.

The website should have

  • 6 landing pages for each product apart from the default landing page

  • the website should have mobile responsive

  • the website should have a mobile menu in the form sidebar

All the designs can be found in the designs folder and the assets in the public folder. The default boilerplate code is based on Vite and React. If you want to use a different framework, feel free to change the files and install your own framework.

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Also check out the frontend learning path to learn how to build such projects completely on your own.

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Need to show-off or ask doubts? Join our discord server. Ask questions, help others and learn in public to make the best use of codedamn.

Ready? Start Building

Includes the necessary assets, design files, style guide and a README file to help you with each step of the project.


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