Learn Python With 20+ Real World Projects [In 2023]

Learn Python With 20+ Real World Projects [In 2023]

Master Python Programming with Hands-On Projects: Build 20+ Real-World Applications in 2023

New Course
Course Instructor: Arbaz Khan

Course Outcomes

  • Write Python code and solve programming problems
  • Automate tasks on their computer with Python
  • Create programs that generate random data, like passwords and names
  • Build web applications using frameworks like Flask and Django

Course Structure

38 lectures3h 8m total duration


About This Course

Are you looking to become a confident Python programmer and build real-world applications in 2023? This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn Python by building practical projects that can be applied to various industries and domains.

With a focus on hands-on learning, you will dive into 20+ real-world projects, each designed to reinforce your understanding of key Python concepts, libraries, and frameworks. You'll learn how to build a calculator, create a text adventure game, implement a to-do list app, develop a chatbot, build a web scraper, and more.

As you work on each project, you'll gain practical experience in using Python to solve real-world problems. You'll learn how to work with APIs, manipulate data, create visualizations, and deploy web applications using popular frameworks like Flask and Django.

Throughout the course, you'll receive guidance from experienced instructor and get access to a supportive online community of fellow learners. You'll also have access to resources like lecture notes, code samples, and quizzes to help you reinforce your understanding of key concepts.

By the end of the course, you'll have built an impressive portfolio of real-world projects that demonstrate your mastery of Python programming. Whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced programmer looking to upskill, this course will help you take your Python skills to the next level in 2023.

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This course is interactive

Interactive courses include hands-on coding exercises to practice as you learn. You practice exercises in a VS Code like IDE without any installation/setup.

Screenshot of codedamn IDE

Student Feedback

Course Rating






Course Instructor

Arbaz Khan
Artificial Intelligence Enthusiast || Python Developer
Arbaz Khan
4.2 Instructor rating
29 Ratings
576 Students

Hello, I am Arbaz Khan, a Computer Science Engineer. I have experience in IoT, Python, Data Science, and learning New Technologies. Also, I am good at C, C++, and JAVA. I love to Automate things lik...View profile

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  • 100+ coding courses
  • Certificate of completion
  • Hands-on practice
  • 24x7 doubt solving with AI
  • 100+ projects to practice
  • In-depth project feedback
  • AWS cloud sandboxes
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