Course certificate

Certificate Details

This certificate is presented to Vedang Mule for successfully completing Git Learning Journey - Learn Git (Version Control) on August 13th, 2022

Awarded To: Vedang Mule

Awarded User ID: 622eea978e59500009784df4

Date: August 13th, 2022 11:40:20 AM

Course Name: Git Learning Journey - Learn Git (Version Control)

Certificate Verification Hash: b8d2a5a690e4681e53a00028f1f02d3a6803cadb

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ProGit Learning Journey - Learn Git (Version Control)

Git Learning Journey - Learn Git (Version Control)

(210 Ratings)
1.7k Enrolled

Course Goals

  • Working with Git
  • Understanding what is Version Control
  • Difference between Git and GitHub
  • Understanding about Distributed Version Control
  • Becoming comfortable working with git repos
  • Simple explanations for git concepts
image of Anna Skoulikari

Anna Skoulikari


Techie and Git educator