XDC Workshop - Advanced Concepts
Basics of Blockchain - Part 2
Course Structure
7 lectures • 42m total duration
About This Course
Welcome to the Basics of Blockchain Workshop powered by XDC.
Note - This is Part 2 of a two part workshop. If you haven't done the free first part yet, it is highly encouraged to complete it first.
Link - https://codedamn.com/learn/xdc-workshop
As the world is rapidly moving towards adopting Web3 technologies, and new innovations happening in this space every day like the metaverse or decentralized finance, it is extremely important to know how to use this new technology. Not only would this give you an in depth look into how to work with concepts within blockchain, it will also give you an edge over your peers if you choose to build something of your own in this space. Keeping this in mind, this workshop has been structured to beginner friendly with no pre-requisite knowledge needed whatsoever.
This workshop has been made free for everyone, and will have a certificate at the end for all those who are able to complete it.
This workshop is divided into two parts, the fundamental concepts and advanced concepts. This part teaches the advanced concepts, which include:
- Deploying a complex smart contract onto the XDC Test network using Metamask, and interacting with it once it has been deployed. You will also learn about the various kinds of functions that exist within smart contracts.
- Exploring how a blockchain's API can be used to query it for block information, like the latest block or the number of transactions within a particular block.
- Setting up a full blockchain node on your computer.
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This course is interactive
Interactive courses include hands-on coding exercises to practice as you learn. You practice exercises in a VS Code like IDE without any installation/setup.

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Includes Certificate of Completion

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What's in the course?
- 3 video lectures
- 1+ hour of content
- GPT-4 level AI assistance
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- Certificate of completion
- Hands-on practice
- 24x7 doubt solving with AI
- 100+ projects to practice
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- AWS cloud sandboxes
- 100+ coding courses
- Certificate of completion
- Hands-on practice
- 24x7 doubt solving with AI
- 100+ projects to practice
- In-depth project feedback
- AWS cloud sandboxes