Rust Fundamentals

Rust Fundamentals

Learn the basics of Rust Programming Language

New Course
Course Instructor: Haris

Course Outcomes

  • Understand the benefits and use cases of Rust
  • Learn the fundamental programming concepts
  • Creating and managing Rust projects using Cargo
  • Building a guessing game

Course Structure

9 lectures1h 53m total duration

  Understanding Rust 
  Installing Rust 
  Creating First Project using Cargo 

About This Course

Rust is a systems programming language that offers the performance of languages like C++ while ensuring memory safety and thread safety. It has gained popularity for its ability to prevent common programming errors and provide a friendly development experience.

In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Rust programming. We'll start by understanding what Rust is and why it's valuable. You'll learn how to install Rust on your system and create your first project using Cargo, Rust's build system and package manager. Throughout the course, you'll gain hands-on experience by building a guessing game, which will teach you essential Rust concepts such as data types, functions, conditionals, loops, and ownership.

By the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation in Rust programming. You'll be able to create basic Rust projects, understand the core concepts of the language, and appreciate its unique features like ownership and borrowing. This course is perfect for beginners who want to explore systems programming with Rust or experienced developers looking to expand their skill set.

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Course Instructor

Crushing Coding Complexities
4.8 Instructor rating
25 Ratings
376 Students
2 Courses

Full Time Software Engineer who likes to dabble in Python, JavaScript, C++ and more.View profile

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