Python 3.10 Masterclass - From Noob To Pro

Python 3.10 Masterclass - From Noob To Pro

The Complete Python 3.10 Course You Need to Master Python From it's Head to Tail

(56 ratings)
326 enrolled
Excellent Rating
Course Instructor: Rahul Mula

Course Outcomes

  • Computer Architecture, Data Structures and Generic Programming Concepts
  • Python Basics and Programming Fundamentals - Data Types, Console IO, and Variables
  • Build Projects - Phonebook, Prankster, Sedentary Alert and others!
  • Decision Control - if-else Statements, elif Statements, and Conditions
  • Loops - While and For loops
  • Functions - Arguments, Parameters, Keyword Arguments, Arbitrary Arguments, Recursion and Decorators
  • Object Oriented Programming (OOP) - Class, Objects, Attributes, Methods and Inheritance
  • Advanced OOP - Operator Overloading, Setters & Getters, Property, Static methods, Singletons, Sentinels, Enums and Metaclass
  • Structural Pattern Matching - match-case Statements, Object and Pattern Matching
  • Modules & Pacakges - Organize Modules into Packages, PIP, and Virtual Environments (venv)
  • High Level Ops - Tuple Packing & Unpacking, Pointers, Variable Scope, and Python REPL
  • Iterator & Generators - List Comprehension, Generators, Enumeration, and itertools Module
  • File IO - Read/Write Files, Work with JSON Files, and Other File Operations
  • Error Handling & Debugging - try & except Blocks, Exceptions, assert Statements, and Logging

Course Structure

243 lectures17h 17m total duration

  Curriculum Overview 
  How to Program Fast and Efficiently? 

About This Course

Welcome to this python programming course for beginners where you'll become a Python Wizard 🧙! (python wizard is someone who can handle any problem like a boss and use the keyboard like a piano~ )

🐍 Head To Tail

After completing this course, you can easily handle any programming project. You'll be able to use core python features along with its 💎 hidden secrets to developing consistent and efficient python programs. You'll also learn about the often-forgotten basics and special features of programming and python in general.

🔼 Become Pro Level by Level

The course can be divided into four broad levels -

🤓 Level 1

  • Computers architecture
  • Bits & Bytes of Data
  • What is Programming
  • Terminal

💻 Level 2

  • Python Installation & Setup
  • Hands-on Programming With Python
  • Basics of Python
  • Client-Info Application
  • Console IO

🧑‍💻 Level 3

  • Data Types
  • Decision Control
  • Loops
  • Functions
  • Classes & Objects
  • Error Handling
  • Modules & Packages
  • Prankster Project

🧙 Level 4

  • String Formatting
  • Stack & Queue Data Structures
  • Shallow & Deep Copies
  • Packing & Unpacking Operators
  • Structural Pattern Matching
  • pip - python package manager
  • Virtual Environments
  • List Comprehensions
  • Iterables & Generators
  • Function Decor@tors
  • Object-Oriented Programming
    • Singletons
    • Special Methods
    • Operator Overloading
    • Iterable Classes
    • @property
    • Class __slots__
    • @dataclass
    • Metaclass
  • Type Hinting
  • File IO
  • Threading & Multiprocessing
  • Debugging
  • Tkinter GUI
  • Sedentary Alert Application

Each level takes you a step further to python mastery!

👶 Beginner Ready

If you have some skills with python, then you're most welcome to brush up your skills and advance to the next level. Or even if you only know to use a computer, that's completely fine!

We will start from the complete basics of general programming and become an expert in python programming. So you can gain something new as well!

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This course is interactive

Interactive courses include hands-on coding exercises to practice as you learn. You practice exercises in a VS Code like IDE without any installation/setup.

Screenshot of codedamn IDE

Featured Review

Profile picture for Abhishek Jha
Abhishek Jha


I don't think there could be anything better than this python course

Student Feedback

Course Rating







Profile picture for Ali Furqan
Jul 18, 2024
Best instructor...I would request you to make data science learning path
Profile picture for Jameel Miller
Mar 29, 2024
Never been so excited to learn a new language! This is amazing!
Profile picture for uzor nwachukwu
Feb 20, 2024
One of the best python courses for beginners. Thank you so much
Profile picture for Adarsh kumar
Dec 05, 2023
Profile picture for Muhammad Hammad Sani
Aug 22, 2023
I know python and was taking his scrapy course which he has taught very well. Just came to see the contents here, It is well taught!

Course Instructor

Rahul Mula
Python Developer
Rahul Mula
4.6 Instructor rating
80 Ratings
448 Students
3 Courses

Hi, my name is Rahul Mula and I'm a developer specializing in python, flutter, and web development. I've developed Keyviz - the free and open-source tool to visualize your keystrokes in real-time. I'v...View profile

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