Java Spring Framework 5 - Build a Web App step by step

Java Spring Framework 5 - Build a Web App step by step

Master most popular Spring framework components like Core, MVC, Data, Security, and Boot, in theory, and practice.

(12 ratings)
185 enrolled
Course Instructor: Damian Jędrzejak

Course Outcomes

  • Get knowledge about Spring Framework 5 and its most popular modules like Core, MVC, Data, Security, and Boot
  • Use Spring Data and Hibernate to work with relational databases
  • After that course, you will have enough knowledge to start your career as a Spring developer
  • Use REST to work with external APIs, and prepare your own REST endpoint to communicate between your applications

Course Structure

122 lectures11h 4m total duration

  What will we do in the course?  

About This Course

In this course, you will learn what the Spring framework is and how to use it. I will also show you its most important modules.

The entire course is divided into 2 parts: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, I will present the key issues from individual modules, and in the practical part, you will practice the acquired knowledge by creating an application.

  • We'll start with Spring Core, which is Spring's basic module, here you'll learn about the Spring Container, creating the bean, Dependency Injection, and autowiring.
  • Next, we will discuss Spring MVC, here you will learn how to develop web applications in Spring. I will tell you what is the MVC pattern, how the Dispatcher Servet and View Resolver works. And you will see what is the Thymeleaf and how to use it. I will also show you how to improve the look of the application by adding Bootstrap into it.
  • In the next chapter, we will discuss relational databases, you will learn how to configure Spring to work with Hibernate, I will also show you the Spring Data module.
  • In the chapter on Spring Security, we will focus on securing the application, you will learn how this mechanism works, you will learn what is the difference between authorization and authentication, and how to set access to individual resources in the application. You will also see how to configure users in-memory and in the database and how Spring encrypts passwords.
  • In the next chapter, we will focus on creating a REST API, I will show you here what is REST how to use it to communicate with other applications. In the practical part, we will use 3 external applications to download weather data for the user based on his location.
  • After all that, we'll move on to the Spring Boot, which is used to simplify the configuration in Spring. In this chapter, you will prepare a second application that will be similar to the previous one and will communicate with it.

During the course, you will prepare two web applications that will use all the discussed modules.

What is very important, during the practical part you will write every single line of code, there will be no situation when suddenly some new code appears in the project. Moreover, after every practical part, you will be able to download source codes for it.

If you have never used Spring and want to learn about it, this course is for you, if you already know the basics of Spring, you will definitely find here a lot of new things that you did not know.

In the course, I am using Spring 5, and Spring Boot, all configurations are created in Java, there is not even a single line of configuration written in XML here.

To understand as much as possible, you should know the Java language. It would be good if you had some basic knowledge of databases and HTML but it is not necessary.

If you dream about starting work as a Java developer working with the Spring framework, this course is definitely for you.

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Course Rating







Profile picture for G V S Krishna Hrithik
Aug 19, 2023
So Far So Good
Profile picture for Karra Sai Karthik
Jan 16, 2023
speech issue

Course Instructor

Damian Jędrzejak
Java developer
Damian Jędrzejak
4.1 Instructor rating
12 Ratings
185 Students
1 Course

Hi, my name is Damian, and I'm a Java developer. For over 10 years, I'm working as a software developer. During this time I worked for small software houses and big international corporations, with ...View profile

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