Learn GraphQL: Complete GraphQL Interactive Course For Beginners
Awesome introduction to one of the most powerful web technologies out there!
Course Outcomes
- What is GraphQL
- The GraphQL Language Syntax
- How To Use GraphQL To Request Data
- How To Create A GraphQL API Using NodeJS
- How To Connect A ReactJS Application With GraphQL
- GraphQL Best Practices
Course Structure
28 lectures • 4h 9m total duration
About This Course
GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.
It is widely used by many companies and it is a must have skill in any developers resume nowadays. In this course we will introduce the topics in a beginner friendly manner, whilst gradually increasing the complexity of the topics.
Here is a run through of what this course will cover:
- What is GraphQL?
- GraphQL vs. REST
- Basic GraphQL queries
- How to create a GraphQL API using NodeJS and Apollo Server
- GraphQL Language: Types, Queries, Mutations, Scalars, Enums, Unions
- How to use GraphQL in React (Apollo Client)
- How to improve a GraphQL API and best practices.
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This course is interactive
Interactive courses include hands-on coding exercises to practice as you learn. You practice exercises in a VS Code like IDE without any installation/setup.

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Course Instructor

Hey! My name is Pedro and I run a programming tutorial channel called PedroTech. I produce several videos on both front-end and back-end development using a variety of technologies and languages!View profile
More Courses By Pedro Machado
Includes Certificate of Completion

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What's in the course?
- 17 video lectures
- 1 hands-on-keyboard exercise
- 5+ hours of content
- 3 quiz exams
- GPT-4 level AI assistance
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- 100+ coding courses
- Certificate of completion
- Hands-on practice
- 24x7 doubt solving with AI
- 100+ projects to practice
- In-depth project feedback
- AWS cloud sandboxes