Course certificate

Certificate Details

This certificate is presented to Amine Elkhalidy for successfully completing Learn useSWR: React hooks for data fetching on July 10th, 2023

Awarded To: Amine Elkhalidy

Awarded User ID: 648f1203c5c2ab000c1379cf

Date: July 10th, 2023 05:10:09 PM

Course Name: Learn useSWR: React hooks for data fetching

Certificate Verification Hash: dc429a21395ef079e817518b29b95249fc88cc0a

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ProLearn useSWR: React hooks for data fetching

Learn useSWR: React hooks for data fetching

(87 Ratings)
1.1k Enrolled

Course Goals

  • Why caching network calls is important in React
  • Why useSWR is important
  • How to write performant queries
image of Mehul Mohan

Mehul Mohan


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