Course certificate

Certificate Details

This certificate is presented to Krishna Vishwakarma for successfully completing React Contact App on May 1st, 2022

Awarded To: Krishna Vishwakarma

Awarded User ID: 60ef991e3612ff0008bd28a7

Date: May 1st, 2022 07:38:37 AM

Course Name: React Contact App

Certificate Verification Hash: db8cedfdb0b3d08782447dfbdc1ddb81d8a1aed2

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ProReact Contact App

React Contact App

(2 Ratings)
309 Enrolled

Course Goals

  • React Fundamentals
  • Using Firebase + React
  • Deploying to Netlify
  • File uploading and processing
  • Complete application tutorial
  • Semantic UI for the UI Components
image of Mehul Mohan

Mehul Mohan


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