Course certificate

Certificate Details

This certificate is presented to Dhruv Sahu for successfully completing Learn web3.js | Introduction to Web3.js library on May 5th, 2022

Awarded To: Dhruv Sahu

Awarded User ID: 6186d2033b389100093f8573

Date: May 5th, 2022 07:14:20 PM

Course Name: Learn web3.js | Introduction to Web3.js library

Certificate Verification Hash: cc7aa4ad0eef05408bd652348125f030feccc36d

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ProLearn web3.js | Introduction to Web3.js library

Learn web3.js | Introduction to Web3.js library

(21 Ratings)
258 Enrolled

Course Goals

  • Learn what is web3.js library and why it is used by Blockchain Developers
  • Learn how to interact with Blockchain using web3.js library
  • Learn how to interact with Smart contract using web3.js library
  • Learn how to create a dapp using web3.js library
image of Kshitij



Developer and Instructor