Course certificate

Certificate Details

This certificate is presented to Prasad Nageshkar for successfully completing Learn NPM - Node Package Manager complete course on July 13th, 2022

Awarded To: Prasad Nageshkar

Awarded User ID: 62bbcb58a3d7130009800183

Date: July 13th, 2022 06:02:43 PM

Course Name: Learn NPM - Node Package Manager complete course

Certificate Verification Hash: b3deca0dccf3260e16731f33880dbad1a03368f8

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ProLearn NPM - Node Package Manager complete course

Learn NPM - Node Package Manager complete course

(240 Ratings)
2.2k Enrolled

Course Goals

  • Learning to use npm/yarn in everyday projects
  • Understanding the basics of how npm works
  • Some under-the-hood npm things
  • All about latest npm 6.x and above things
  • Managing packages, node_modules, package-lock and more
  • Understanding npx and how it works
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Mehul Mohan


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